Day 6 – In Jesus' name, we will cross the Jordan

Read: Joshua 3:16b,17; 2 Kings 2:6-14


Joshua led the Children of Israel to the Jordan River. The Promised Land was in sight. Four hundred years of slavery and forty years of Wilderness wandering have brought them to the edge of their destiny. This was what they have been waiting for.

There are three things in play in our text: on one side of the ledger, we have the Wilderness, on the other side we have the Promised Land and in the middle we have the Jordan River, a physical obstacle, preventing their progress.

The Wilderness

Each one of us could tell a story of life in the Wilderness. Simply put, it’s a place where life is just difficult. It’s a struggle to make it through the day. In the Wilderness we walk and walk and walk and get nowhere. No matter what we do progress eludes us. We feel lost, confused, and at times we are not sure which way to go or what to do.

The Wilderness represents a place of deep sorrow and tears; a place of loneliness, a place of fear, and a place of unhappiness. 

The Promised Land

We all have some idea of what the Promised Land is or what it will be like. It represents our destiny. This is where we want to be. It points to a better future; it’s a place of Joy; it’s a place of fulfilled life, a life of meaning and rest; it’s a place of security and predictability. We feel safe!

If the Wilderness is about survival then the Promised Land holds before us the image of living, really living in God`s presence.

The Obstacle

There is a very important principle/pattern in life: there are battles before victory and there are struggles before celebration.

The Jordan River was the boundary between the Wilderness and the Promised Land. It was the obstacle standing between the people of God and their Promised Land.

The Bible tells us that they spent three days at the River Jordan; with each passing day, the mighty current eroded their confidence. The cry from deep within, we will never make it!

It’s easy for us to relate to the emotions and thoughts of the Children of Israel. So many of us face our own Personal Jordan’s that feel permanent and powerful that we don’t even try to make it across. Our lives feel stalled, stuck on the wrong side of Gods purposes and promises. We read about the abundant life, but can`t make it out of the Wilderness.

We would want to escape the Wilderness. If we could have our way we would want God to pluck us out of our Wilderness and set us down in the Promised Land. That’s not how it works. God does not rescue or save us from the circumstances of our lives. 

For every Wilderness there is a Promised Land and for every Promised Land there is a River Jordan that must be crossed.


In our narrative from chapter 1 to chapter 3, this word Cross-over was used approximately 21 times; it represents a place of transition, moving from the Wilderness to the Promised Land. Elisha had come to that place of transition in his life. He had followed Elijah for some time but now Elijah was gone and the Jordan River stood before him and his destiny; he had to Cross-over Jordan and into what God had waiting for him.

Like Israel, we stand at the edge of our personal Jordan River. The only way into the Promised Land is through the raging flood water of life. How deep is it? How solid is the bottom? Is it slippery? How strong is the current? How far across is the river?  What will I find on the other side? All good questions.

In some way those are the questions of life, the questions that arise every time we make a move whether physically, emotionally or spiritually. They are not questions that get answered before we step into our personal Jordan. 

Ultimately, it is God not the answers that takes us across our Jordan.

Step in and get your feet wet

God, however, did not hold back the water for the Children of Israel before they put their feet in. It is only after they stepped into the water that God acted, and provided a miracle. God can only work with what we give Him. Standing on the bank waiting for answers, waiting for better time and place, or waiting for the flood to subside offers God nothing to work with.

One step was all it took. With the one step God acted, the flowing water stood still, there was dry land and the people crossed over. With that one step they followed the Ark of God`s presence into the Jordan and across. 

What is the first step that we must take? Maybe that first step is obedience, maybe its offering someone forgiveness and reconciliation. Maybe your life is unmanageable and the first step is one of twelve, maybe that first step is to be quiet, be still, and listen. Perhaps it’s letting go of being in control of your life and trusting God.

God knows the first step to be taken. I do not know when and how you will cross your Jordan but I know it happens one step at a time and that first step always takes us to a new land, to a new way of being, and to new life, God`s life. 

Step out in faith, follow the Ark of the Covenant of God`s presence and Cross- over your Jordan.

— Pastor Charles Lawrence

Prayer Points

  • Thank God that you are alive to partake in this year’s fasting program.

  • 1 John 1:9 - Confess any known and unknown sins.

  • Bring sincere repentance unto the Lord regarding any hidden sin that may hinder the move of God during and after this 21-day prayer and fasting

  • Decree that no plan of the enemy shall hinder you in this 21-day fasting program.

  • Take spiritual authority over the physical and spiritual in your neighbourhood.

  • Lord, lead me to where I have never been before with You (mention the areas) in Jesus’ name.

  • Joshua 3:16 – Beyond the Jordan was the promise land, Lord me to cross my Jordan.

  • Joshua 3:17 -  I pray for spiritual, insight, strength and divine protection for the PPT pastoral staff and their family as we cross the Jordan in Jesus’ name.

  • Joshua 3:17 – I pray for divine ability for the PPT pastoral staff in Jesus’ name.

  • Joshua 3:17 – In Jesus’ name we declare that in 2019, none will be left behind in PPT as we cross the Jordan.

  • 2 Kings 2:6 – Lord, release the spirit that was upon Elisha on me and my household as we cross our Jordan this year.

  • Jehovah, release the spirit that was upon Elisha upon PPT as You lead us where we have never been before.

  • Lord, I break the stronghold of fear upon my life and household in Jesus’ name.

  • Eternal God, break the stronghold of fear upon PPT in Jesus’ name.

  • 2 Kings 2:7 – Lord, I don’t want to be a spectator as You lead me to cross the Jordan.

  • Father, lead PPT to cross her Jordan in Jesus’ name.

  • Isaiah 42:16 – 2019 is year I have never been before; guide, lead, smooth and brighten my way in Jesus’ name.

  • Lord, for my household, 2019 is an unknown territory and experience; guide, lead, smooth and brighten our way in Jesus’ name.

  • All-Knowing God in 2019, guide, lead, smooth and brighten PPT’s way in Jesus’ name.

  • In Jesus’ name, my household and I will cross the Jordan.

  • In Jesus’ name PPT will cross the Jordan.

  • Jehovah, release PPT’s Youth Pastor to us in Jesus’ name.

Join the Prayer Conference Call at 8:00 pm tonight.
Dial: 647-977-2648
Code: 827-220-552#