We need divine connections
We all need to divine connections in this life.
Divine connections are those associations or relationships that God has preordained for us. They are priceless because God uses these relationships to direct us to our destiny and bring increase to us. These divine connections are part of His plan to help us connect more deeply with God; with others who will help encourage us in our spiritual walk and growth; and help us to connect people who are not in the kingdom yet.
Connecting with God
The truth of the gospel is that through Christ we can re-connect with the God of the universe from whom we have been estranged due to our sin. Jesus came to seek and to save those who are lost. Christ’s death on the cross paid the price for us to be able to be reconciled with our Father. The Bible is full of stories of people God used to help lead and connect people to God. John the Baptist pointed people to Jesus, ‘the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.' Barnabas heard about Saul and went looking for him and then brought him to minister with him at the church in Antioch.
It’s God’s continual desire that we would connect with Him more deeply. So He will make divine connections for us with others who will sow into our hearts to create a holy hunger in our hearts for God!
Connecting with other believers
God’s plan for us growing spiritually always involves connections with others. The early church gathered together and devoted themselves to what the apostles were teaching; meeting together for fellowship; and prayer. By practicing these spiritual disciplines together, they were being accountable to one another and encouraged each another. Through these divine connections they grew in the character of Christ and the fruit of the Spirit. Who has God brought into your life that impacted you in a big way for God?
Connecting people to God's Kingdom
God birthed the church on the Day of Pentecost to reach out to the entire world with the good news of the gospel. We need to pray, asking God to create divine connections and divine appointments for us with people who need Christ. As we enter this day of fasting and prayer, let's thank God for all the divine connections He has made in our live—for the ones we are experiencing now and for future connections. Like he did with Joseph; for 'the Lord was with Joseph' making divine connections that led Him into God’s destiny for his life!
Pastor Barry Risto
Prayer Points
Read: Genesis 39:2-6;19-21; Gen 32:22 -32; Acts 11:19-30; John 1:25-42; John 6:1-13; John 12:20 -22; Acts 2:42-47;
Thank God for seeing you through this year.
Confess any known and unknown sins.
Lord, I resist discouragement, depression and fear of the future in Jesus’ name.
Jehovah, grant me divine connections in the following areas … (mention the areas).
Jehovah, grant my family divine connection(s) in the following areas … (mention them)
Like Andrew, grant me the ability to connect with people in PPT Jesus’ name.
Lord, give me the ‘Andrew spirit’ to be able to connect with the people around me.
Barnabas connected Paul to the disciples, Father connect me to my Barnabas.
Lord Jesus, raise many Barnabas(es) in PPT.
Acts 11- Father cause PPT to connect with our surrounding community like the Christians at Antioch.
Elohim, remove all the obstacles in PPT hindering us to connect with each other and our surrounding community.
Gen 39:5 Father connect me to my Joseph in Jesus’ name.
Lord, raise Josephs in PPT.
God, give us a holy hunger to connect with you more deeply … to love you with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength … to love your presence, your Word, your Truth
God, help us to live authentic lives with others, studying the Bible, holding each other accountable, offering encouragement, and going deeper together.
God, break our hearts under the burden of our friends/families and give us the vision and energy to keep on influencing others with the light and love of the gospel.
God give us a breakthrough in our connection with You, others and connecting people to Your kingdom.
Join the Prayer Conference Call at 5:30 am this morning.
Dial: 647-977-2648
Code: 827-220-552#