Day of Fasting & Prayer - March

What Jesus wants for His church

The Apostle Paul said God’s intention is to use the church to show His wisdom to everyone in heaven and on earth according to His purpose (Ephesians 3:9-11). There is nothing in this world that has as much potential to be an instrument of change as the church. The dynamite of the church is the gospel message. The ‘detonator’ that causes the gospel to explode is prayer. Prayer ignites the dynamite of the gospel and powerfully shakes the world! Let’s discover how we can pray our church to its full potential.

Jesus’ prayer for His church is an excellent model for us to follow when you pray for the church. Jesus spoke with confidence, knowing His time had come to give His life for the sins of the world. But He was secure in the knowledge that what He had begun through His ministry on earth would be continued through His body of believers – the church. What Jesus desired for the church can be summarized as five prayer requests. (John 17:9-24). Here is the first one: “My prayer is not for the world, but for those you have given me, because they belong to you. 10 All who are mine belong to you, and you have given them to me, so they bring me glory … 22 “I have given them the glory you gave me, so they may be one as we are one. (John 17:9-10,22)

  1. That people would sense the Glory of God

Jesus said, “I have given them the glory you gave me, so they may be one as we are one.” (John 17:22 - NLT). The word “glory” in the Greek comes from the word “doxa” meaning the visible manifestation of the splendor, power and radiance of God. So when Jesus prays these words, His desire is that His people continually feel and sense the splendor, power and radiance of God in their midst.

Whenever God’s presence comes down within the church, it lifts up the people spiritually. And that’s when great things begin to happen. Howard Hendricks once said, “The church doesn’t need more workers; it needs more worshipers!” True worship is incredible; it’s the highest experience possible for Christians. Too many Christians arrive at worship services preoccupied by their problems or focused on what they can get from the service instead of what they can give to it. But when people focus on God and give Him glory, He comes and makes the church a place of power!

When a church really worships, when its people really seek to please God and have fellowship with Him and other believers, it draws non-believers like a magnet. In such a a church, the glory of God is revealed! The real value of any church is not in the facility, the pastor or the programs. It’s not even the people. Churches have value because Jesus is in them. He brings beauty and power with His presence! Let’s pray that Christ’s presence would fill our services so we would sense the glory of God!

Pastor Barry Risto

Prayer Points

Scriptures: John 17:9-24; Psalm 78:52-53; Ephesians 3:9-11

  • Confess any known and unknown sins.

  • Father, I thank You that I am able to participate in today’s fasting program.

  • Commit the month of March into the Lord’s hands. Pray that you will end the month well in Jesus’ name.

  • John 17:11 – Lord, protect Your church by the power of Your name in these end times.

  • All powerful God, grant our pastors (mention their names) and their families, divine protection in these times.

  • Jehovah, protect PPT members by the power of Your name.

  • John 17:11 – God of peace unite the Your church for Your name sake.

  • John 17:11 & 22 – Lord, may the unity that exist in the Trinity be seen in our churches, homes and our Christian communities in Jesus’ name. (pray this seriously)

  • John 17:13 -  Father, let Your church be filled with joy in Jesus’ name.

  • Jesus, let PPT be filled with joy in Jesus’ name.

  • John 17:15 – Unleash Your divine protection upon Your church in Jesus’ name.

  • John 17:17 – Father sanctify us (the church) daily by Your word in Jesus’ name.

  • John 17:17 – Jehovah, open the eyes of the church to the truth in Your word in Jesus’ name. (pray this seriously)

  • John 17:24 -  Lord, let the church show Your glory always for the world to see in Jesus’ name.

  • Psalm 78:52 - Father as our shepherd, guide the church safely through the wildernesses (mention the areas) of this world.

  • Psalm 78:53 – Elohim, keep Your church safe in Jesus’ name.

  • Eph 3:10 – Father, use Your church to display Your wisdom in its rich variety to the world.

  • Eph 3:10 – Father, use PPT to display Your wisdom in its rich variety to our community and city in Jesus’ name.

  • Unleash Your protection and providence upon the persecuted church globally in Jesus’ name.

  • Pray for God’s protection against the coronavirus.

Join the Prayer Conference Call at 5:30 am on Wednesday Morning.
Dial: 647-977-2648 (Canada) / 202-602-1295 (USA)
Code: 827-220-552#

Followed by our Adult Worship & Prayer Service at 7:00 pm at PPT.