Day of Fasting & Prayer - April 1, 2020

That we would go forth in the Mission of God

Last month, we began a prayer series based on what Jesus wants for His Church as found in His prayer in John 17:9-24, the night before He gave His life for us on the cross. Jesus’ prayer for the church is an excellent model for us to follow when we pray for the church. Jesus spoke with confidence, knowing His time had come, but secure in the knowledge that what He began on earth would be continued through His body of believers—the church. What Jesus desired for the church can be summarized as five prayer requests.

Last month we prayed the first prayer request, that people would sense the glory of God (John 17:22) This month, we want to focus on Jesus’ desire that we would go forth in the Mission of God. Jesus asked God His Father to ‘sanctify’ us so that we would be prepared to go into the world, just as the apostles were prepared to do so and did.

John 17:17-18 (NKJV) …17 Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. 18 As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.

The word ‘sanctify’ means to be set apart and equipped for a special purpose. That purpose is to bring the good news of the gospel to the lost so that they might be saved. We do this individually as believers, sharing our faith with others. We also do it corporately by our gathering together to preach the Word in our local churches.

Interesting, we are living in the midst of a crisis, that has hindered us from gathering together for corporate worship, prayer and the preaching of the Word. We are being told we must isolate from others to prevent the further spread of the coronavirus. At first glimpse, you would think that evangelism has been halted both personally and corporately. But the reality is God’s church can’t be stopped! When hindrances come, God finds another way for His kingdom to advance.

I heard this powerful testimony: Church Online Platform hosted 20,258 church services this past weekend, which represents four times the number of services that churches were running just about a month ago on their platform. In the past few days, pastors from different countries and backgrounds helped 31,166 people find Jesus as their Salvation! As we reported last week, 15,842 people did the same the week of Sunday, March 15 and then another 28,000 more people the week of Sunday, March 22. God’s church cannot be stopped, not even by a virus!

People are asking so many questions these days. They are gripped with fear, anxiety and uncertainty about their lives and the future. We are called to be ‘the salt of the earth and the light of the world’ in this moment (Matthew 5:13-16). Let’s seize this opportunity to share the hope of Jesus Christ with your neighbours and friends … in a socially distanced type of way … but share it, none the less because it’s harvest time (John 4:35). Be creative and let the Holy Spirit lead you, just like He is leading the church to use digital platforms to reach people for Jesus!

Pastor Barry Risto

Prayer Points

Scriptures: John 17:17-18; Matthew 5:13-16; 28:18-20; John 4:35

  • Confess any known and unknown sins.

  • Father, I thank You that I am able to participate in today’s fasting program.

  • Commit the month of April into the Lord’s hands. Pray that you will end the month well in Jesus’ name.

  • Psalm 57:11 – Despite the coronavirus pandemic, “Be exalted, O God above the heavens, and let Your glory shine over all the earth in Jesus’ name”. (pray this seriously)

  • Psalm 91:3 – God Almighty, keep our front-line workers safe from this deadly virus in Jesus’ name. (mention them and pray this seriously)

  • John 17:17 -  Lord, in these difficult days, sanctify me and my household by Your truth as I study, read or listen to Your word.

  • John 17:17 – Lord sanctify PPT and the church at large with Your truth as we study, read or listen to Your word.

  • John 17:17 – Lord sanctify the world by and with Your word as the world reads, hears and listens to Your word.

  • John 17: 18 – Lord, we pray for maximum impact on the world as the church uses creative ways to share the gospel at this time.

  • Matt 5:13,14 -  Lord, let me and my household provide hope to people around us during these difficult times.

  • Matt 5:13,14 – Father, use the church to provide hope to the world during these difficult times.

  • Matt 5:16 – Jehovah, stir up the good in people of the world during this pandemic.

  • In Jesus’ name I break the stronghold of fear over my household, country and the nations of the world. (pray this seriously)

  • Matt 28:18-20 – Lord, help the church to make disciples going forward in Jesus’ name.

  • John 4:35 – Elohim, open our eyes to see the harvest around us.

  • John 4:35 -  Lord, cause the church not to hold back on the physical and spiritual harvest around us.

  • Pray for God’s protection against the coronavirus in our land and nations. (pray this seriously)

  • Unleash Your protection and providence upon the persecuted church globally in Jesus’ name.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Prayer Conference Call
 at 5:30 am
Dial: 647-977-2648 (Canada) / 202-602-1295 (USA)
Code: 827-220-552#

Teaching & Prayer Live at 8:00 pm
 647-977-2648 (Canada) / 202-602-1295 (USA)
Code: 827-220-552#