A Pandemic Of Faith
The gospel is more than the forgiveness of sins. It includes Christ’s resurrection and the subsequent renewal of all creation. The gospel is God’s historical revelation of Himself in Christ. It is a saving event that literally happened in the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ as seen by reliable eyewitnesses. It is not speculation or a theory.
Some friends of ours told us the story of their family’s Easter worship service in their home. Her husband was describing how Jesus, after rising from the dead showed himself to over five hundred people before he ascended back to heaven (1 Corinthians 15:6). And now over two thousand years later, His gospel message is still spreading all over the world to the point that we are talking about it today. One of his young sons, was musing on this thought and said, “it’s like a pandemic of faith.” His mom said, “that’s exactly what it is, but this pandemic brings life and not death.”
The word pandemic as an adjective means “prevalent over a whole country or the world.” Other synonyms are: widespread, pervasive, rampant, universal and global.
There was a pandemic of faith released all over the world this past Good Friday and Easter Sunday as services were held online throughout the world. Reports are coming from several ministries of widespread salvations. Life.Church reports that 69,422 people accepted Christ as their savior across the 31,858 churches that hosted services on their platform. They report every country on earth was reached with the gospel. Greg Laurie of Harvest Ministries reports that over 7,402 people accepted Christ through their multiple weekend services called Harvest at Home. These are just a couple of samples of what God did and is doing around the world in this pandemic of faith.
Sunday we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The word resurrection in the Bible is anastasis. It’s a compound of the word ana meaning “again” and histemi meaning “to stand”. Therefore, it means, “a standing up again, restoration to life, rising from the dead.” Another usage of the word is, “a moral recovery of spiritual truth”. Our prayers are that there would be a moral recovery in these days of spiritual truth. That those who did step out in faith believing on Jesus this past weekend, would continue in their spiritual journey with Christ. Let’s believe that a pandemic of faith will continue to sweep around the world!
Pastor Barry Risto
Prayer Points
Scriptures: Matthew 24:14; John 20:29-31; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Hebrews 11:1
Confess any known and unknown sins.
Father, I thank You that I am able to participate in today’s fasting program.
Commit the month of April into the Lord’s hands. Pray that you will end the month well in Jesus’ name.
Psalm 57:11 – Despite the coronavirus pandemic, “Be exalted, O God above the heavens, and let Your glory shine over all the earth in Jesus’ name”. (pray this seriously)
Matt 24:14 - Lord, let the gospel of Christ permeate through the minds and hearts of everyone on the face of the world during this difficult time.
Jesus, use this pandemic of COVID-19 to bring the world to Your saving knowledge.
Elohim, we ask for Your protection for the front-line workers (mention them) during this pandemic.
John 20:29 – Lord, like Thomas, help me with my unbelief in the following areas. (mention them)
John 20:31 – Jesus, Son of God, by the power of Your Name give me, my household and church life over the COVID-19 situations we face. (mention them)
John 20:31 – Messiah, by the power of Your Name give, the nations of the world life over the COVID-19 pandemic.
Lord, we ask in Jesus’ name that You will save anyone who would believe in You or call out to You during this pandemic.
1 Cor 15:2 –Jehovah, bring clarity of the word to the nations during this time in Jesus’ name.
1 Cor 15:4-5 – Lord, let me experience the power of the Resurrection in my life. (mention the areas)
1 Cor 15:4-5 – Jehovah let the church experience the power of the Resurrection now more than ever in Jesus’ name.
Lord, let the nations of the world experience the power of the Resurrection now more than ever in Jesus’ name. (pray this seriously)
Heb 11:1 - Lord, increase my faith in You.
Heb 11:1 – In Jesus’ name I break the strong hold of fear upon my life, my household, the church and the nations which is affecting our faith. (pray this seriously)
Unleash Your protection and providence upon the persecuted church globally in Jesus’ name.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Prayer Conference Call at 5:30 am
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Code: 827-220-552#
Teaching & Prayer Live at 8:00 pm
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