Psalms 103
Much has been said regarding the times we are living in; yes, in our lifetime we have never seen anything like this. It is truly historic and unprecedented.
As we are isolated in the confine of our homes, reading and watching the news, we are bombarded with reports around the world, in our country and in our communities of the devastation the Coronavirus has caused. The pandemic has shattered businesses, the economy and our lives, personally—we seen the health concerns, the illnesses, sickness and death.
The question is asked, what do we need most in this time? Some would say that we need an Economist to give great advice of how to get out of this mess; others would say we need a great Leader with vision and skills to direct and lead, and others would still say we need great Chemist who can develop a vaccine to counteract the virus. I would not disagree with the above suggestions but I also believe we need a Divine Benefits Package.
In this time when people are experiencing grimness and bleak outlook, what we need more than ever is a great divine benefits package. We need a plan, a comprehensive plan that covers our spiritual, physical, and mental health well-being.
In Psalms 103 David gives us this comprehensive plan. He starts out first with the foundation on which the benefit plan is built on or flows from, the Power of Praise.
The Call of Praise
David states:
Bless or Praise the Lord, O my soul;
And all that is within me Bless (Praise) His holy Name!
Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His Benefits
This a Call of Praise; Summons of Praise; an Eruption of Praise. David begins with an exclamation of praise from the depths of his soul—this reflects a burst of enthusiastic praise that we have been called to Praise God in whatever situation we find ourselves.
Praise is to bestow approval, to congratulate, to boast or to adore; we do this by kneeling (Barak), outstretched hands (Yadah), by music (Zamar) and by speaking (Shaback).
A Call to Remember
Praising and Remembering go hand in hand. Sometimes we hear the saying “Praise God for who He is and not what He has done,” but most times we cannot Praise God unless we remember what He has done. These two words are linked together.
As humans we are forgetful, and the Bible gives us many admonitions to remember, or in a reverse format, forget not. Somethings are worthy of forgetting. However, David cautions and warns that we should forget not all His benefits.
The God of Benefits
The Package (Divine Benefits)
In today`s world, we are keenly aware of the benefits associated with our employment. What sort of insurance we have; what is my retirement package, what are my sick/health benefits; what does my plan cover, etc.
How often do we think about or contemplate our divine benefits package from God?
In Psalms 103:3-5 we have six incredible, great, wonderful divine benefits listed for us; they are expressed with the following verbs: forgive, heal, redeem, crown, satisfy, and renew.
Look at our Six Divine Benefits:
He Forgives all your Iniquities
He Heals Diseases
He Redeems your life from Destruction
He Crowns you with Lovingkindness and Tender Mercies
He Satisfies your Mouth with Good Things
He Renews your youth like the Eagles
What God gives is based on who He is; His giving is rooted in His Nature: (see verse 8)
He is Merciful
He is Gracious
He is Patient
He is abounding in Lovingkindness
God`s Lovingkindness, His Mercy, His Patience and His Graciousness are measured in three distinct examples: (see verses 11-14)
As the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His Mercy toward His people.
As the east is from the west, so far has He removed our sins from us.
As a father pities his children, so the Lord pities those who fear Him.
As we go through this time together, remember to Praise the Lord, and never forget your divine coverage plan God has given you. Our Benefits are rooted in who He is and His love for us. We find the fulfillment in what Jesus has done for us.
It is what we need the most now.
Pastor Charles Lawrence
Prayer Points
Scriptures: Psalms 103:1-22
Confess any known and unknown sins.
Father, I thank You that I am able to participate in today’s fasting program.
Commit the month of May into the Lord’s hands. Pray that you will end the month well in Jesus’ name.
Ps 103:1 – Father, I bless Your name, let my soul praise You.
Ps 103:2 – Jehovah, remind me of Your goodness, mercy, grace and favour.
Ps 103:2 – Jesus, may my household and I never forget the good things You do us. (mention them)
Ps 103:3 - Jehovah Rapha heal us (household & church) of our diseases (COVID-19 and others) (mention them)
Jehovah Rapha, heal the sick and comfort the bereaved among us in Jesus’ name.
Jeremiah 30:17a – Lord, in Jesus’ name, restore Pastor Barry’s health.
Jeremiah 30:17a - Lord, restore the health of the sick and vulnerable among us. (mention them)
Ps 103:5 – Despite the COVID-19 situations, fill my life with good things.
Ps 103:5 – Lord, fill the lives of those who have been adversely impacted by COVID-19 with good things.
Father deliver the world from this pandemic in Jesus’ name.
Ps 103:13 – Jehovah Nissi, cover our households and the church under Your wings in Jesus’ name.
Ps 103:18 – Lord, save the unsaved members of our families in Jesus’ name. (pray this seriously)
Psalms 91:10 – Elohim, protect our front-line workers from the COVID-19 plague. (pray this seriously)
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Prayer Conference Call at 5:30 am
Dial: 647-977-2648 (Canada) / 202-602-1295 (USA)
Code: 827-220-552#
Pastor’s Chat with Pastor Charles at 8:00 pm
Dial: 647-977-2648 (Canada) / 202-602-1295 (USA)
Code: 827-220-552#