Day of Fasting & Prayer - July 8, 2020



What did Jesus want for His Church? His desire is that the church, for which He gave His life, would reach her full potential in five dimensions. He prayed that we would sense the glory of God; that we would follow the Word of God; that we would be united in the love of God; and that we would go forth in the mission of God (John 17:9-24). So we have been praying into this each month over the past several months for our monthly day of fasting and prayer.

His final desire and prayer point as He was preparing to return to His Father was that we would experience the joy of God as stated in John 17:13 (NLT) … “Now I am coming to you. I told them many things while I was with them in this world so they would be filled with my joy.”

Joy? How in the world can you speak about joy at a time like this? We are still dealing with a pandemic and all its implications. The future seems so uncertain. How in the world can you talk about joy in this moment? We need to understand that they key to immeasurable joy is not about all our circumstances being perfect but rather it’s about living in intimate contact with Jesus, the source of joy.

Jesus said that He wants us to have His full measure of joy. What gives a body of believer’s joy? Obedience to God in the things Jesus talked about gives joy: giving God glory, following His Word, being united in love, and carrying out His mission. Joy is a common theme in Christ’s teaching—He wants us to be joyful.

Adoniram Judson, a nineteenth-century missionary, was known for his joy in the Lord. He went to Burma as a missionary in 1812, filled with God’s Spirit and a great desire to preach the gospel. It’s said that soon after he arrived, he approached a Burmese man, and not knowing the language, simply embrace him. The man went home and reported to his family that he had seen an angel. The joy of Christ was so radiant in Judson’s countenance that men called him “Mr. Glory-Face.” That’s the kind of joy God wants us to experience—and to exhibit to others.

So in the midst of the days we are living in, let’s find our joy that is in the Lord. For the joy of the Lord is the key to our strength. Join us this Wednesday at 8:00 pm for our Pastor’s Chat, “How can i find joy in the midst of trials?”

Lord make us joyful and joy-filled!

Pastor Barry Risto

Prayer Points


James 1:2-4; 1 Peter 1:6-9; John 15:11; Acts 13:52; Hebrews 12:2

  • Confess any known and unknown sins.

  • Father, I thank You that I am able to participate in today’s fasting program.

  • Commit the month of July into the Lord’s hands. Pray that you will end the month well in Jesus’ name.

  • Thank God, that PPT was able to open the church building last Sunday.

  • Psalms 73:25 – Lord, we have no one in heaven but You. (extol the Lord)

  • James 1:2 – Lord, turn the adverse impact of COVID-19 into an opportunity of great joy and breakthrough for me and my household in Jesus’ name. (pray this seriously)

  • James 1:2 – Lord, turn the adverse impact of COVID-19 into an opportunity of great joy and breakthrough for PPT and the universal church globally in Jesus’ name.

  • James 1:3 – Jesus increase my faith during these difficult times.

  • 1 Peter 1:6 – Father, despite the current challenges give me and my household joy.

  • 1 Peter 1:6 – God Almighty, give Your people (PPT, the universal church) joy during this difficult time.

  • 1 Peter 1:9 – Everlasting Father, help me and my household to trust in You and Your word during this difficult times in Jesus’ name.

  • 1 Peter 1:9 – Father, I pray that You cause PPT and the church to trust in You and Your word during this trying times.

  • John 15:11 – God of Love, fill my life with divine and overflowing joy.

  • John 15:11 - In Jesus’ name fill the lives of my household with overflowing joy.

  • John 15:11 - Lord, fill our churches and our land with overflowing joy.

  • Hebrews 12:2 – Father, let my focus be on Jesus who is the author and finisher of my faith.

  • Hebrews 12:2 - Father, let the focus of PPT and the church be on Jesus.

  • 1 Cor 14:33: - Lord, in Jesus’ we break the stronghold of anarchy, dissension and lawlessness in our land. (pray this seriously)

  • Pray for the sick among us for total and complete divine healing. (mention them by name)

  • Unleash Your protection and providence upon the persecuted church globally in Jesus’ name.

  • Pray for God’s protection against the Coronavirus.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Pastor’s Chat with Pastor Barry
at 8:00 pm
 647-977-2648 (Canada) / 202-602-1295 (USA)
Code: 827-220-552#