Day 3 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer

Day 3 – God's Power

Welcome to Day Three of the Twenty-One Day Fast. By now you have fully entered something called “ketosis” which is your body’s way of saying that something is happening that is out of the ordinary. You will begin to notice a thick brown coat on your tongue and most will begin to lose weight, mostly water weight. Your body has also begun to adjust and some of the headaches and deep hunger pangs will begin to subside. But something else will begin to happen as well. As you work your way through the day noticing every restaurant and pizza commercial known to mankind – there will be moments of clarity. Don’t make it all about fighting through and just surviving each day. Even in the weak moments – especially in the weak moments – press in. I have learned that when I am at my weakest, if I will listen, He is the loudest. If you will see past your physical desires, you will see a whole new dimension of your Savior and you will hear His voice speak into your life and your future.

Seeing God’s Power 

Today’s topic is the power of God. You need to know that the very same power that raised Jesus from the dead is alive in you right this minute! So many times we say, “All things are possible with God!” quoting the famous passage from Luke 1:37. But do we really believe that? Is anything possible? What about for you personally? When Jesus gave the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, He gave us power to do what most would consider impossible. As I stood in the city of Jerusalem recently, I was reminded of the Upper Room where God sent the Holy Spirit. On that day we were all given power – power over the enemy, power to move mountains, power that heals, power that produces the anointing which breaks the yoke. I want to challenge you to look at a few places in your own life that perhaps you have given up on such as dreams, salvation for friends or relatives that seem unreachable, and even for miracles you need right now – a bad medical report, finances, a wayward child, a broken marriage. God is still in the miracle-working business and through the Holy Spirit we have the power living in us to change lives and circumstances in a moment.


Father, I ask You for supernatural power and anointing and resurrection power in dead dreams, dead marriages, and dead situations that feel like they are over. Lord, I know Your anointing can come. Send that power to our nation and to the world. Send Your power, Holy Spirit and open our eyes. Give us the vision that You have for such a time as this. In Jesus’ name.

Prayer Points

Scriptures: Luke 1:37, Romans 8:11, 1 Thessalonians 1:5, 1 Corinthians 1:18-31, Ephesians 3:14-21, Isaiah 40:25-31

  • Lord, as we begin this new year, I fully acknowledge that the Spirit of God lives in my heart and I ask that Jesus be Lord of my life … Ephesians 3:17; Romans 8:11

  • Lord, please resurrect your plans for my life … Romans 8:11

  • Lord, please build my confidence in the Word of God and the promises you have made in it, for nothing is impossible with God … Luke 1:37 (NLT)

  • Lord, let faith rise in my heart to believe that all things are possible with God this year … Luke 1:37 (NKJV)

  • Lord, let faith arise in my heart to continue to believe for the salvation of family, friends, and relatives … Luke 1:37

  • Lord, resurrect my faith in your power to work miracles in my life, relationships, health, finances … Luke 1:37

  • Lord, help me to comprehend to some dimension your scope of love for us and the power of God living in us … Ephesians 3:18.19

  • Lord, let there be a demonstration of God’s Power in my life … Ephesians 3:16

  • Lord, let there be a demonstration of Your Power in Your kingdom for Your purposes … to move mountains this year … lay hands on the sick and see them recover … overcome the enemy … to break every yoke that binds us and others … Ephesians 3:20

  • Lord, release the power of your Spirit this year to transform us and change our lives and circumstances … Ephesians 3:20

  • Lord, we pray you would receive all the glory this year … Ephesians 3:21

Pastor's Chat at 8:00 pm tonight.



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