God will move the stone.
Mark 16:3-4 (NLT)
On the way they were asking each other, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?” But as they arrived, they looked up and saw that the stone, which was very large, had already been rolled aside.
While we may throw stones, God rolls stones. And He rolls the right stones, in the right direction and at the right time.
The women who came on that first resurrection morning sought to perform their duties by anointing the dead body of Jesus. Yet as they came near the place of burial, the practical difficulty of moving the heavy stone that sealed the tomb brought them unnecessary anxiety. Our key verse today tells us how God rolled away the stone from the tomb of Jesus. That stone was a wheel of granite, eight feet in diameter and one foot thick. It was rolled into a groove and perhaps weighed more than 4 tons which is over 8,000 lbs. The women’s fears were groundless; it had already been moved.
Have you ever tossed and turned all night unable to sleep worried about something that might go wrong the next day due to a daunting task you had to face. Ask yourself two questions. Did God rule the world before we were born? Will He rule it after we are dead? Then, why not let Him rule the present, too? How often have we found that God has gone before you and removed the obstacle or made a way in the situation?
When God rolls stones He does a really good job of it. Just as He rolled away that stone, He can also roll away the stones in our lives. Max Lucado wrote, “The stone was moved – not for Jesus – but for the women. Not so Jesus could come out, but so the women could see in.” The stone was rolled away so that witnesses might see the evidence of an empty tomb.
All of us need certain stones rolled away in our lives. Stones of doubt, stones of fear, anxiety, addiction, sickness, depression, etc. All of us have needs in our lives. Needs that can only be taken care of by our all-powerful God. There are times when it seems like we have done everything humanly possible to solve our problem and then we just have to “let go and let God move the stone.”
What stones are you trying to move? Why not trust God with them? Let your heart be encouraged by the certainty that whatever difficulty you may face, God will move the stone or He will help you find a way around it. He will most certainly do what is best for you and for His glory.
Prayer Points
Scriptures: Mark 16:1-8; Matthew 28:1-8, Job 42:2; Numbers 11:23
Thank God that you are alive to partake in this month’s fasting program.
1 John 1:9 - Confess any known and unknown sins.
Pray and commit the month of April 2021 into God’s hands.
Mark 16:4 - Decree that God will move the stone(s) that is before you in Jesus’.
Matthew 28:2 - Father send Your angel(s) to remove the stone(s) in my life. (mention them)
Lord, remove the stone(s) in the lives of my household in Jesus’ name.
Mark 16:6 – Elohim, may the resurrection power that rose Jesus from the dead bring back life into my dead situation(s). (mention them)
Father, bring back life into the dead situations at PPT. (pray fervently)
Matthew 28:6 - I decree that because Jesus rose from the dead my hope and expectations will not be cut off. (pray fervently)
Job 42:2 – Lord Jesus may Your sovereign rule be experienced in our world today. (pray fervently)
Job 42:2 - Father, I thank You that You can do anything and no one can stop You. (praise Him)
Numbers 11:23 – God Almighty, I thank You that You are still powerful and Your words spoken over my life will come to pass in Jesus’ name. (pray fervently)
Numbers 11:23 – Lord, bring to pass Your word concerning my household. (pray fervently)
Numbers 11:23 – Lord, bring to pass Your word concerning every household in PPT.
Jehovah, bring back to life in our communities (cities, nation, world) the aftermath of the pandemic (COVID-19).
Pray for the persecuted church globally
Pastor's Chat at 8:00 pm Wednesday evening.
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