Day 9 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer


Read: Isaiah 58:2-11

It happens to us so quickly that we are proud because we achieve something on the surface, for example fasting and praying regularly, but still, our heart is relatively cold towards others. Here in Isaiah, God lays his finger on a few points by which we can test our heart.

Am I fasting but not making time for God and my daily life looks the same as always?

Am I fasting, but full of anger, resentment, and unforgiveness?

Am I fasting, but the suffering and misery of other people leave my heart completely cold?

Read: 1 Corinthians 13:1-3

We humans all fall so easily into the religiosity trap. How quickly we do "pious" things to make ourselves feel better in the eyes of ourselves, others, and God. God wants our motivation to come from love - for Him, for ourselves, and for our neighbour.

Prayer and Get Free

Father, please put your finger on the points in my heart where my heart is cold and without love. I bring these points to you on the cross (specifically name all the points that the Holy Spirit shows you and place them on the cross) and exchange them for your supernatural love. Thank you for promising that your love is poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Please show me where and how I can share your love today. Amen

Next Step

If you have an idea today how you can pass on God's love to someone in a very practical way, then do it directly. Ask God to give you His view on and His love for that very person.

LOVE CHANGES - regardless of how your fast goes, you can use the remaining days of the "21 Days" to do good for the people around you.

Prayer Points

  • Thank the Lord for allowing you to participate in this year’s 21 days of prayer and fasting.

  • 1 John 1:9 – Confess any known and unknown sins.

  • Praise the Lord for bringing you and your household into the year 2023.

  • 1 Kings 18:46 – Continue to ask God for special grace and strength to sustain and keep you during this fasting season.

  • Psalm 138:2   – Father in Heaven, I bow down before Your divine presence and bring You my worship. (praise and worship Him)

  • Isaiah 58:2 – Father purge me of any habitual sin(s) (mention them), sins that I am in denial of, sins that has become strongholds upon my life. (pray earnestly)

  • Isaiah 58:2 – Lord, purge any participant of this season’s fast of any sin that has become a stronghold in their lives.

  • Isaiah 58:2 – Father purge PPT of any sin that has become a weight on Your people.

  • Isaiah 58:3-5 – Father, let my fast be acceptable in Your sight. O Lord, purge me of any spiritual pretense in Jesus’ name. (pray earnestly)

  • Isaiah 58:8 – Lord, as we wait on You let our salvation and, breakthroughs come like the dawn.

  • Isaiah 58:9 – Like Moses, Jehovah let Your glory protect me, my household, PPT households and church in 2023.

  • Isaiah 58:10 – In the name of Jesus, I declare and decree that after this fast my “light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around me will be bright as noon”. I will have dominion over my life in the following areas... (mention them) (pray earnestly)

  • Isaiah 58:11 – I declare and decree that after this fast, the Lord will guide me continually, giving me water when I am dry and restoring my strength. I will be a well watered-garden like an ever-flowing spring. In Jesus’ name. (declare it 7X)

  • 1 Cor 13:1-3 – Father You are love, clothe me with Your love during this fast and beyond.

  • Pray for the PPT missionaries and the persecuted church.

  • Pray about 4 things you would want God to do for you during this 21-day fast.

Prayer Declaration

If it had not been you, Jehovah Ebenezer, our helper on my side, where would I be? Your grace and mercy brought me through 2022 and now I have seen 2023. Father, I am thankful and appreciate all that You have done for me, my household, PPT households and the church.

Oh Lord, as we wait on you through intense prayers and fasting this month, let me, my household, and PPT experience “open heavens” creating spiritual opportunities resulting in having dominion over our lives (health, career, relationships, and finances).

I declare and decree that every spiritual valley in and around my life will be filled with an overflow of Jehovah’s blessings. I declare and decree that every spiritual mountain and hill in my way, in my family’s way, in PPT households’ way will be brought low in Jesus’ name.

I declare and decree that every spiritual crooked place in and around my life will be made straight by your power. I declare and decree that every spiritual rough way in my pathway, in my family’s pathway, PPT households’ pathway and the church’s pathway will be smooth.

I affirm that the zeal of the Lord will accomplish this. So shall it be.

Group prayer at 8:00 pm tonight.

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