Read: Matthew 17:14-21
In some translations of the Bible, Verse 21 still contains the statement of Jesus: “However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”
We know from the Bible that Jesus had an intense prayer life and many assume that due to this statement that His authority in freeing the boy was based on a lifestyle of fasting and prayer.
Many Christians notice while fasting that their relationship with God becomes more intense and closer to Him, which results in stronger faith resulting in a stronger position of authority. Through regular fasting, for no specific purpose, our connection with God becomes ever deeper and closer, which results in an increase of authority.
So, there is a connection between fasting and spiritual authority – even if we cannot enforce authority.
Have you already experienced a breakthrough during this fasting in your own life, or witnessed it in the life of others? With fasting, it can be a bit like muscle-building in the gym. If you look at your muscles after two weeks, you won’t see much. But if you keep at it and make it to your lifestyle, then you will feel the effects after a few months. Sometimes when you’re building muscle, others suddenly speak to you because they have noticed that something has changed – this can also happen to you with a lifestyle of fasting and prayer.
Maybe you see few effects right now and are still waiting for the breakthroughs you hoped for. Sometimes a breakthrough begins with an apparently small change which later paves the way for further development.
Pray boldly for yourself and others with the certainty and faith that Jesus Himself has given you authority.
The mission of Jesus: “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons.” (Matthew 10:8) still applies today. In some situations, the disciples returned enthusiastically, because they had experienced how miracles happened through them. Here they had prayed and nothing happened. Maybe you feel like the disciples, that you took a bold step, and your experience didn't work out. Just like the disciples, you are also a follower of Jesus, a learner. Like the disciples, go to Jesus with the points that still don’t work out, and keep at it!
Prayer Points
Thank the Lord for allowing you to participate in this year’s 21 days of prayer and fasting.
1 John 1:9 – Confess any known and unknown sins.
Praise the Lord for bringing you and your household into the year 2023.
1 Kings 18:46 – Continue to ask God for special grace and strength to sustain and keep you during this fasting season.
Luke 3:21 – Jehovah Elohim, let my “OPEN HEAVENS” experience create spiritual possibilities to manifest in my physical realm (space) resulting in dominance in the following areas of my life. (mention them)
Luke 3:21 – Father, as PPT households experience “OPEN HEAVENS”, let it create spiritual possibilities for them.
Matt 10:8 – Father use this year’s 21-day fast to create spiritual possibilities for dominance in my spiritual walk. (pray this earnestly)
Matt 10:8 – Father use this year’s 21-day fast to create spiritual possibilities for dominance in the spiritual walk of all the participants. (pray this earnestly)
Matt 17:20 – Lord, through this fasting program, increase my faith and the understanding regarding my assigned authority from You.
Matt 17:20 – Lord, through this fasting program, increase the faith of all the participants and their understanding regarding their assigned authority from You.
Father, in the name of Jesus I take authority over any stronghold (mention them) over my life; release Your anointing upon me.
Mark 4:39 – Jesus in Your name I rebuke any storm(s) (difficult situations) raging in our lives (me, my household, all participants and PPT households) and command divine calmness into the storm(s). (mention them and pray earnestly)
I declare and decree that every spiritual mountain and hill, every physical mountain and hill in my way, in my family’s way, in PPT households’ way will be brought low in Jesus’ name.
Isaiah 58:10 – In the name of Jesus, I declare and decree that after this fast my “light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around me will be bright as noon”. My breakthrough will be evident in the following areas... (mention them) (pray earnestly)
Pray for the PPT missionaries and the persecuted church.
Pray about 4 things you would want God to do for you during this 21-day fast.
(pray this earnestly)
Prayer Declaration
If it had not been you, Jehovah Ebenezer, our helper on my side, where would I be? Your grace and mercy brought me through 2022 and now I have seen 2023. Father, I am thankful and appreciate all that You have done for me, my household, PPT households and the church.
Oh Lord, as we wait on you through intense prayers and fasting this month, let me, my household, and PPT experience “open heavens” creating spiritual opportunities resulting in having dominion over our lives (health, career, relationships, and finances).
I declare and decree that every spiritual valley in and around my life will be filled with an overflow of Jehovah’s blessings. I declare and decree that every spiritual mountain and hill in my way, in my family’s way, in PPT households’ way will be brought low in Jesus’ name.
I declare and decree that every spiritual crooked place in and around my life will be made straight by your power. I declare and decree that every spiritual rough way in my pathway, in my family’s pathway, PPT households’ pathway and the church’s pathway will be smooth.
I affirm that the zeal of the Lord will accomplish this. So shall it be.
Group prayer at 8:00 pm tonight.
Conference Call
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