Day 18 – Lord, send the fire

Read: I Kings 18:30-39; Exodus 13:20-22, 14:19-25; Gen. 19:23-4; Heb. 12:29

FIRE. Who likes fire? I know for me, I am petrified. I’ve seen the danger it can do when children play around with it innocently trying to use a magnifying glass guiding the rays of the sun to do “scientific experiments” in the backyard. Does this sound familiar? Seriously though, fire is a force that you don’t want to play around with.

In the Bible, fire is either shown in a symbolic form of God’s presence or a literal manifestation of God himself. Our cry to the Lord to “send the fire” is focused on Him sending His presence in such a way that we can see, feel or point to. His presence manifested by “fire” today is not as it was when Elijah confronted the idol worshippers in that literal sense. Fire in its literal sense destroys anything in its path whether living or dead. It is fatal to light a match irresponsibly because of the destruction this can do. Think of the hundreds of people displaced from their homes because of a fire starting in their home. We have been praying for the critical situation Australia has been facing over the course of the last few months to beat down this force that has brought so much destruction to a part of their nation. The fire of God’s presence is different. Here are a few reasons we cry out for this:

–So we can see the demonstration of His power in our midst

–So the presence of His power would cleanse us and destroy those things that are not pleasing to him in us

–So he would empower us for service through the indwelling of Holy Spirit

In reference to Jeremiah 20:20 (NLT) Jeremiah states:

“But if I say I’ll never mention the Lord or speak in his name, his word burns in my heart like a fire. It’s like a fire in my bones! I am worn out trying to hold it in! I can’t do it!”

Jeremiah was experiencing the power of the Word in his spirit like the force of fire in his bones! One Writer expressed it this way:

Literally the passage reads, He was in my heart like a burning fire. Burning fire in the Hebrew text is kaesh which is a destructive or all consuming fire as used in this context. In Semitic literature a kaesh or consuming fire is a metaphor for passion. As Jeremiah was voicing his complaint to God, God allowed Him to enter His heart and feel His passion. When you feel it you just can’t contain it. ^

Did you catch that? When you feel God’s passion you just can’t contain it. So we cry, “Lord send your fire so that our heart beats after the things that your heart is concerned about”. We cry, “Lord send your fire so that we can experience your passion”. I want to know His passion which will move me to act in good works towards people. I want His passion which will move me to pray with compassion for what moves His heart. I want His passion, so that with a sober mind make wise choices and that my behavior bring glory to His name.

Lord send your fire!

Pastor Patricia Russell

^ Reference:

Prayer Points

  • Thank God that you are alive to partake in this year’s fasting program.

  • 1 John 1:9 - Confess any known and unknown sins.

  • Bring sincere repentance unto the Lord regarding any hidden sin that may hinder the move of God during and after this 21-day prayer and fasting

  • Decree that no plan of the enemy shall hinder you in this 21-day fasting program.

  • Psalm 85:6 – Lord God Almighty revive me both spiritually and physically this year and decade in Jesus’ name.

  • I Kings 18:38 - Like Elijah, Lord send Your fire to burn all the chaff in my life (mention them)

  • Send Your fire to burn the all the chaff in our church; set revival in motion (mention the areas)

  • God of Elijah who answers by fire, burn every infirmity or weakness in my life with Your Holy fire for this year and the decade ahead

  • God of Elijah, send Your fire to Your church and start a revival using me as starting point.

  • Pray, “O, Lord ---send the fire.  Send Your consuming, changing, restoring, victorious fire!” to revive me, my household and church. (pray this seriously).

  • Lord, send your fire! May we sense and know Your burning, exciting, dynamic presence in our lives and among Your people for this year and the decade ahead.

  • Pray that the fire will bring about a revival (spiritual and physical) in the indifference of Christians and bring them back to their first love. 

  • Lord, send your fire over Canada, pray for our government (federal, provincial, municipalities, etc.) that they will harken to the voice of God.

  • Pray that the “Fire of God” that makes the invisible become visible, the fire that makes the impossible become possible come down and transform lives:

    • Let the sick be healed; let the weak be made strong.

    • Let the weary receive strength, let the hopeless receive hope; Let the situation of those going through extreme hardships (mention them) be transformed in the mighty name of Jesus;

    • Let us ask for the righteousness of God in the land of our dwelling. 

  • Pray for the persecuted church globally

Join the Prayer Conference Call at 8:00 pm this evening.

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Code: 827-220-552#