Day 4 – Revive me in Your Word

Read:  Psalm 119:25,50,149,156

As we began this 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer, I was struck by the theme: “Revive Us, O Lord.”

The word “revive” is defined as “a restoration to life or consciousness.” To enter into a time of prayer, crying out to God to “revive us” is a suggestion that some of the themes we are praying towards have lost “life” within us. Whether in our personal spirituality, the Church, our courage, our devotion to the Word; life has been lost and there is a need and a desire for life to be returned to where it once was.

The portion of Scripture that comes to mind as I reflect on this, is one of the most challenging and terrifying portions of Scripture for the Church today. It is from the book of Revelation. A letter to an ancient church in Laodicea from God Himself. A letter written with a prophetic message for THIS age. OUR age.
15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 17 You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.” Revelation 3:15-18
It would seem to me, that not only is there a recognition amongst ourselves that a revival of life is desperately needed—but there is a call from heaven urging us to receive from God that revival, that life, as well.

Reading through Psalm 119, it is clear what is needed: It is the Word of God.

I believe more than ever, what is desperately needed is the voice of God in our lives. The voice of the Creator, guiding us. The voice of our loving Father, correcting us. The voice of our Sustainer, giving us strength to obey what He is saying. The voice of our encourager, giving us sustenance for another day.

We need to know the voice of our God and Father.

We need to know His character, trust His ways, allow Him to open our eyes beyond the things that keep us bound to the judgement of “lukewarm”. And how else do we do this, other than to soak in His presence, and treat his Word in our lives as the life-giving breath that it is?

We have a profound and divine gift in our hands. May we never lose the reverence and deep necessity of the Word of God in our lives daily. Constantly.

Our nation needs the Word of God. Our church needs the Word of God. Our families need the Word of God.

WE need the Word of God.

Pastor Josh Cassell

Prayer Points

  • Thank God that you are alive to partake in this year’s fasting program.

  • 1 John 1:9 - Confess any known and unknown sins.

  • Bring sincere repentance unto the Lord regarding any hidden sin that may hinder the move of God during and after this 21-day prayer and fasting

  • Decree that no plan of the enemy shall hinder you in this 21-day fasting program.

  • Psalm 85:6 – Lord God Almighty revive me both spiritual and physically this year and decade in Jesus’ name.

  • Psalm 119:26 – Jehovah, revive me by Your word this year and the decade ahead.

  • Psalm 119:26 – God Almighty, revive my household by Your word this year and the decade ahead.

  • Psalm 119:26 – Jesus, revive our church by Your Word this year and the decade ahead.

  • Psalm 119:50 –  Jesus, let Your promise(s) in Your word revive my situation. (mention them).

  • Psalm 119:50 –  Holy One of Israel, let Your promise(s) in Your word revive my household situation. (mention them).

  • Psalm 119:50 –  Jehovah El-Roi, let Your promise(s) in Your word revive our church. (mention them).

  • Psalm 119:50 –  Jehovah the limit breaker, let Your promise(s) in Your word revive our pastors’ situation(s). (mention them).

  • Psalm 119:50 – Father, I declare and decree that as You revive me I will be comforted in all my troubles. (mention them).

  • Psalm 119:50 –  Adonai, comfort our pastors in their troubles and challenges.

  • Psalm 119:149 – Faithful One, revive (spiritual and physical). me.

  • Psalm 119:149 – Faithful One, revive (spiritual and physical) our church.

  • Psalm 119:156 – Father, revive me as I read Your Word this year. (pray this seriously).

  • Psalm 119:156 – Jehovah, revive our Pastors as they read/study Your word. (pray this seriously).

  • Psalm 119:156 – Faithful One revive our church this year as we read, study or hear Your word. (pray this seriously).

  • Pray for the persecuted church globally

Join the Prayer Conference Call at 8:00 pm this evening.

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