Official Statement on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Dear PPT Church Family,

Our Staff at PPT have been closely monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. Please rest assured, we are taking precautions to keep our church community safe and healthy.

We ask that you avail yourself of our hand sanitizing stations that will be at all building entrances and by entrances to the Main Sanctuary. As we greet each other, we will still be friendly and welcoming, but without shaking hands.

For upcoming communion services, we will be using prefilled and sealed communion cups that will be handed out to the congregation by our communion servers who will be wearing gloves.

If you or someone in your family is not feeling well and need to stay home, don’t forget that you can worship with us through our live stream at

We will be using special collection stations for the offering on Sundays. If you are watching the service from home or simply prefer not to handle cash or envelopes, you can give online or by texting any dollar amount to 84321.

Based on current information and official guidance, there is no need to cancel any of our church activities. The church is acting with due diligence to stay informed.

Let’s not forget that God is entirely in control. It’s easy to forget as fears run high. Let’s be reminded of the prophet Isaiah’s words, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Be in prayer for those who are sick, caregivers, as well as doctors and scientists working on a vaccine. We will continue to monitor the situation and communicate any changes to our Sunday or mid-week gatherings.

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor