Whose purpose will prevail?

There are many people working diligently and fervently to see the purposes that they are passionate about prevail in their lives, our society, and the world. They often suffer at great lengths in this battle to see whose purposes prevail.

Similarly, and spiritually, we all face our fair share of suffering in this world. We have a very real enemy who has a very evil purpose for that suffering. But we have a mighty, sovereign God who has a very different and much greater purpose in our suffering. Discover the nature of this battle in this weekend’s message, Whose Purpose Will Prevail? You will come to understand that Satan and God intend for the same suffering to work for entirely different purposes. We will celebrate that God’s purposes will always prevail as we take Communion together.

Remember you no longer have to register to attend service. However, we do ask that you allow our staff to continue to direct you to appropriate entrance doors to the sanctuary and allow our ushers to seat you. So whether you join us online or in person, we look forward to your presence with us this Sunday!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor