Lead The Way

What an incredible 10th Anniversary/Celebration of Nations event we had a couple of weeks ago. It was a wonderful time of reflecting on all God has done over these past ten years in our new building and the diversity of people the Lord has called to be part of our church family! We received a special offering that morning towards our parking lot paving project—a big thank you to all who gave sacrificially! We will be celebrating the details of that offering in this Sunday’s service and in fact, as you can see, the paving project is well underway! God has certainly led the way in this project!

How do we discern God’s leading in our lives? How can we know the Lord’s plans for us? What does he use to lead us in all the decisions we must make? In the message, Lead The Way, we will learn the practical tools God uses to lead and guide us in life’s decisions. We will also be honouring all our graduates this Sunday with a special tribute and praying over them and their families as God leads the way in their next step in their journey in life! It’s going to be an exciting service you don’t want to miss!

We look forward to your presence with us this weekend at PPT!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor