No Room, But Three Gifts! 🎁

This Sunday, The Roads of Christmas series takes us on the quick exodus from Bethlehem to Egypt by Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus. We know that when they arrived in Bethlehem there was no room at the inn for Jesus to be born. God’s nature is to be a provider, so how come there is no room in the inn for Jesus at his birth? He is born in a stable, wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laid in a manger. Sounds like pretty meager provisions. Shortly after, wisemen arrive with exceptional provisions of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to present to the holy family just before they made a dash out of town to a foreign country. In the message, No Room, But Three Gifts, you will learn the wisdom of the whys and hows of God’s provision and protection as he seeks to fulfill his destiny for our lives, just like he did for holy family.

We look forward to your presence with us this weekend for this month-long celebration of Christmas at PPT!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor