The Great Turnaround

We often see classic superheroes hide their true identity underneath the layer of an alter ego. Batman hides his identity with the persona of a wealthy businessman. Spiderman goes to school and enjoys photography. Superman is a reporter with glasses. Throughout His life and ministry, Jesus had a pattern of revealing and concealing who He really was to different people. What was the reason?

This Sunday marks the commemoration of the final week of the earthly life and mission of Jesus Christ. It is known as Holy Week, or the Passion Week. It’s a week filled with all kinds of turnaround events that lead to the full revealing of who Jesus Christ is and the accomplishment of God’s great plan of salvation for all mankind.

Palm Sunday was the first major turnaround event. After three and a half years of revealing and concealing His true identify to different people, He now openly allows the crowds of people to welcome Him into the city of Jerusalem hailing Him as king with their praise and worship. Learn why and how this great turnaround event sets the stage for what will unfold in the message, The Great Palm Sunday Turnaround. We look forward to your presence with us!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor