One of the joys of a holiday weekend is the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors. There is nothing quite like experiencing the power of the natural elements of the wind blowing in your face, or a roaring campfire, or the beauty of natural waterfall.
This Sunday we will explore these three powerful symbols which also represent the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The wind of the Spirit symbolizes the invisible yet powerful presence of the Holy Spirit as He breathes life into us, and guides and empowers us to fulfill our purpose. The fire of the Spirit describes His purging and igniting effect in our lives. The water of the Spirit represents the living-giving, refreshing and renewing nature of the Holy Spirit. These symbols capture the transformative and dynamic nature of the Holy Spirit’s presence and influence.
Join us as we delve deeper into these symbols and experience their power in our spiritual journey!
Every Blessing,
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor