For God and Country


There are certain things in life that really do matter. We have been exploring what matters based on the experiences of the early church as we read about them in the book of Acts. We have discovered that God’s presence is paramount. That our presence in kingdom of God is vital to the overall plan. That we all have spiritual gifts that matter and need to be used in family of God. How money matters in building the kingdom of God and experiencing God’s blessings in our lives.

We wrap up this series this weekend with the final message, ‘For God And Country.’ What important role do countries play in God’s plan for humanity?

How does God use nations to help bear witness to the reality of His presence and power? Finally, what is the ultimate country that awaits all believers?

Are you looking for it?

As we come to this Canada Day Holiday, let’s celebrate God’s plan and purpose for countries and nations!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor