What Do You Believe?

In our new series, "Knowing What You Believe," we explore fundamental Christian truths about the Bible, God, creation, Jesus Christ, salvation, angels, Satan, demons, and future events. It's a chance to understand how these beliefs impact your life and your future.

Recently, we wrapped up a series that revealed your unique gifts from God, meant for service in the local church. To take the first step in ministry, get Plan-to-Protect certified. You can still register for the training at PPT, open for both youth (ages 11-16) and adults (ages 17+). Serving in ministry is one of God's great purposes for your life, promising joy and fulfillment. Join us this Saturday at 9:30 am.

In these turbulent times, we urge you to keep praying for Israel and the ongoing crisis in the Middle East. Let's seek God's mercy for protection, comfort, and power in this dire situation.

Lastly, we invite you to help us cultivate a vibrant and punctual culture at PPT. Make Sunday's Worship Service a priority in your heart. It's a divine appointment to meet with Jesus through worship and the Word. When we gather, God's presence is powerful, so let's make every effort to be on time. We eagerly await your presence with us this Sunday.


Barry Risto
Senior Pastor