Life experiences. We all have them. In fact our lives are the sun total of them. What gainful experiences have you thoroughly enjoyed and prospered from in the past? What painful experiences have you endured and what did you learn through them? What kind of spiritual experiences have shaped your understanding of God and how you live for Him?
In our new message series, Your Unique Design, we are exploring the ingredients that make up who you are as a person. God has created you with a specific design. This weekend we will share how the various experiences of your life have molded you into the person who you are today. God wants to use those experiences in fulfilling His unique purpose for our lives as we find our place to serve.
As part of this series, we have established the goal of having thirty new volunteers in the next 30 days finding their place to serve in ministry and to celebrate it on Thanksgiving weekend!
Where can you serve you ask? Just click this Ministry Involvement link and explore the various ands exciting areas where you can fulfill your ministry. Your first step to becoming involved is to get Plan-to-Protect certified, so please sign-up now for our next training. Together, lets discover our unique design and place of service. There is nothing more rewarding and fulfilling!
We look forward to your presence with us this Sunday and invite someone to join you!
Every Blessing,
Pastor Barry Risto
Senior Pastor