The new year is upon us and the invitation to you to join us in seeking God together!
Part of seeking God and getting to know Him is to give ourselves to reading the Bible daily.
So join us in reading through the Bible this year, by downloading the Bible App on your favourite digital device and choose ‘The Bible with Nicky Pippa Gumbel – Classic Version.’ These Bible readings will also be the devotionals for this year’s 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer starting on Day 8 - January 8.
Fasting and prayer is also a spiritual tool in seeking God. This coming Sunday we will be launching into our 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer: First Things First. There will be daily emails sent with links to our Bible readings, prayer points and declaration. To receive them you must sign up at if you have not already done so. Here is a some fasting and prayer information and our prayer schedule for the next three weeks.
Our new message series is also entitled ‘First Things First’. Together we will explore what matters most and needs to hold a place of priority in our lives. God has given us a specific promise that if we will seek Him and His kingdom first, everything else we have need of in this life will be provided for by Him.
So we invite you to join us in using the tools God has given us to seek Him. Through worship, fasting and prayer, Bible reading and meditation, let’s listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit and let Him set the course in our lives, families and church in this new year!
We look forward to seeing you on this first Sunday of January!
Every Blessing,
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor