The Power Of Thanksgiving

It’s time to give thanks with a grateful heart for all that God has provided and done this year. The Thanksgiving holiday weekend has arrived and we are set to celebrate in two big ways at PPT this Sunday!  The epic adventure of the Kingdom Assignment comes to a conclusion and we will be celebrating all that God has done.  Learn what happened when some fifty people took up the challenge of putting into practice the truth taught in the Parable of the Talents by taking a  $100 bill and investing it for a ‘kingdom cause’ asking God to multiply it. You have heard some of the stories throughout the summer but wait until hear the accumulative total of what God did!   

Be sure to come ready to celebrate the goodness of God!

Secondly, as an act of thanksgiving, we are asking everyone to bring a special Thanksgiving Harvest Offering that will go towards retiring our church mortgage.  You can use the specially designed envelopes in the lobby or just mark your regular envelope with the words ‘Thanksgiving’.  We will be receiving this separate offering at the end of the service, after Communion in a crescendo of praise and thanksgiving to God who provided it all to us.  

Note there will be no Pastor’s Chat this Sunday evening. Take this Thanksgiving holiday weekend to enjoy some additional family time together.