That’s a question everyone wonders about at times. Let’s explore the answer in this Sunday’s worship service.
This is our last call to get involved in blessing the children at the Villages of Hope in Tanzania with new socks and sneakers to start their new school year. You can bring new running shoes (no brand names) with you to church this Sunday and put them in the bin in the lobby or just a make a monetary donation ($60), marking your envelope, ‘Kids Shoes”. Thank for helping these kids with proper footwear.
Plan to walk, ride your bike and even run at this year’s Ride-To-Thrive mission fundraiser in support of church planting efforts in Northern India. We are partnering together to see 500 churches planted in the next two years. Learn more about it this Sunday. Register on-line OR at the Welcome Centre and get then people to make a pledge. There will be prizes for the top three people who receive the most money in pledges so get started today!
Growing in our relationship with God comes through connection and conversation with others. As the Fall season is approaching, we want to encourage you to check out our website for all the Lifegroups being offered and sign-up. Let’s grow together!
Every blessing,
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor