Weeds. Just the mention of them name stirs up thoughts of a lot of hard work sorting them out from your good plants. How careful you have to be when you are pulling them out so that you don’t disturb the good plants and about discarding them appropriately.
Jesus used an analogy about wheat and weeds to teach an important truth about the kingdom of God. Join us this Sunday as we seek to understand the balance of good and evil in this present world, how God is going to sort it all out and why we need to wait patiently until that day.
We continue throughout the summer to tell the results of people who took a $100 and invested in a kingdom project. Come this Sunday and hear more stories of what God has done through people who had eyes to see a need, ears to hear God’s promptings and a heart to do something about it. Their stories will bless your heart as you and inspire you to become a kingdom-builder too. Worship with us this weekend and be sure to bring a friend with you!
Every blessing,
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor