Life’s Healing Choices

Greetings PPT Family, we had a wonderful time away on our first cruise celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary. Unfortunately, we both caught a serious case of the cold/flu virus. We are on the road to recovery and so appreciate your prayers for us. It is good to be home and we have missed you all so very much!

Are you ready to experience healing in your life? Join us this Sunday for a powerful and transformative message titled “Life’s Healing Choices”. No matter where you are in your journey, God is offering you a chance to embrace true healing—spiritually, emotionally, and physically.  Don’t miss this opportunity to make the healing choices that can change your life this year. Bring a friend, and come ready to experience God’s life-changing touch!  We look forward to seeing you this coming Sunday!

If you have not yet joined us in reading through the Bible this year, we hope you will do so because its never to late to start.  You have to register for each month’s reading plan. Here is the link