It has been six weeks since we moved to doing Sundays exclusively through our online platform. Though this has been challenging for us all, we are still excited to share God’s Word with you this weekend.
We hope you are looking forward to joining your PPT family again this Sunday at 10:30 am. In preparation for the message, we encourage you to read the following Scriptures that deal with Peter, a disciple of Jesus: Luke 5:10-11; Matthew 14:25-29; Luke 22:54-62; John 21:3-7. See if you can identify the three callings he had in life and how answering those calls led him to experience infinitely more than he could have ever dreamed.
You know it’s been incredible to watch what people have done in the midst of this coronavirus crisis. We are seeing amazing examples of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship as we seek solutions to help people in the various dimensions of this pandemic. Whether healthcare, homecare or manufacturing industries, it’s remarkable what people can do when they team up together to address a common cause.
With the creation of the world and the subsequent fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden, God’s incredibly, innovative plan of salvation began to unfold. Preparations were made for the arrival of God’s Son to come into our world to pay the penalty for our sins by dying on the cross. The resurrection of Jesus Christ and His ascension to heaven, paved the way for sending the Holy Spirit and birth of the church on the day of Pentecost. Now the Lord extends an invitation to all to come and join His team, that is His church. Through His people, the Lord is able to accomplish infinitely more in these days than we might possibly ask of think.
We are living in days when God desires to make His name known like never before. The Lord is looking for people who are willing and available to be part of His plan.
His plan will call you out of our comfort zone. It will call you to join him in walking through the storms of life. Through those storms will come the manifestation of His presence and power that will lead to a revelation of who He truly is, to the world.
There will be moments, when we might stumble and fall in that journey but God stands ready to restore us and get us back on track. Because the reality is, the Lord’s plans and purposes will proceed and prevail either way.
In the midst of this virus crisis, let’s say yes to the call of God to a life beyond our comfort zone to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think through the Lord’s mighty power that is at work within us. All glory be to God! See you Sunday!
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor