More of the same.

For a third time, we have faced the closure of our church building to in-person services. It seems like we just continue to face more of the same things this year that we dealt with last year. Anyone getting a little tired of the same old thing? Sometimes it can feel real monotonous and boring. Like many things in life, we get tired of the same old things, whether it’s the food we eat, the clothes we wear, our hairstyles and even our daily routines. We want to spice it up a bit with some variety and try to keep it fresh.

However, there are some things in life that we are counting on to remain the same. In fact, it is imperative that the really important issues of life remain unchanged. Discover the things you absolutely do not want to see change in this Sunday’s message, More of the Same. When you grasp these truths you will truly seek for more of the same!

We look forward to you joining us for our online service this Sunday!

Every blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor