What are your expectations this weekend?

We are about to enter the final and greatest days of the Passion Week of Jesus Christ.

If we go back to the very first Holy Week experience, the crowds that cheered and worshiped Jesus on Palm Sunday had the expectation that He would overthrow the oppressive Roman government. The religious leaders of the day who were plotting Christ's downfall, were hoping and expecting Jesus to disappear and His influence to wane. The Romans were present in it all, expecting potential uprisings and were ready to use any force necessary to quell any disorder.

This weekend may not meet all of your hopes and expectations either. No one could have foreseen that we would be celebrating Easter 2020 sequestered in our homes, unable to gather to worship and celebrate together all that Christ accomplished for us through His death on the cross and His resurrection from the tomb. The traditions of this weekend will look very different for all of us. But can I encourage you to shift your thoughts from feeling a sense of loss and ask God what His plans are for this weekend. God in His sovereignty has permitted this moment and wants to redeem it for His eternal purposes.

We continue to pray for you for God's protection, provision and purposes to be realized in your life. Be encouraged that the one who said to his disciples—just before He gave His life on the cross—would say this to you, "don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me." (John 14:1) Let His words and His Spirit calm your soul and ground your spirit in this moment. Let's seize this weekend to glorify Him and join Him in His plan for these next few days and all the days ahead. Since this crisis involves the whole world, we can be sure God desires to do something massive this weekend for the kingdom and glory of God! We love you, appreciate each one of you, and are praying for you all!

Pre-Service Prayer Conference Call
Prior to the online services on Friday & Sunday at 9:30 am.

Good Friday Communion Service - 10:30 am
We invite you to join us and ask that you share this invitation with others. Our guest speaker, Rev. Chuck Price, will be sharing a powerful word! Please have your communion elements of grape juice and bread ready before the broadcast so you can participate with your family.

Jesus - A Special Easter Broadcast
Be sure to visit jesusevent.com to watch this special performance of the life of Jesus Christ by Sight & Sound Theatres, available for FREE this weekend only!

Easter Sunday Resurrection Service - 10:30 am
It's going to be a great celebration of worship, with a very special feature and a message of hope as found in the resurrection of Jesus Christ! Again encourage others to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

We want to encourage you to remain faithful to the Lord in your giving of tithes and offerings. There are so many ways to give and if you require any assistance, please let us know.

We will continue to connect with you daily through the following digital platforms:

On behalf of our entire team, we wish you a very blessed Easter weekend!

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor