He is the God of the Unexpected

Life is filled with questions. But not all questions have easy or pretty answers.

Are you troubled by what you see unfolding in our society and our world? Do you wonder why there is so much violence, atrocities and evil in our times?

Do you wonder where God is and what He is doing in this moment? Have you sought God for those answers to life’s difficult questions? Have you heard His answers?

The prophet Habakkuk had similar concerns and cried out to God, “How long, O Lord must I call for help? But you do not listen! Violence! I cry, but you do not come to save.” (Habakkuk 1:2-3). He then goes on to describe what he sees happening in his world—sin, misery, destruction, violence; people who love to argue and fight; the law that has become paralyzed and useless; the lack of justice given in the courts; the fact that the wicked far outnumber the righteous; that justice is perverted with bribes and deceit. Sounds a lot like what’s happening in our times and it is upsetting to say the least.

God answers Habakkuk’s questions, but not with answers he expected. Are you maybe a bit less impressed or bewildered by some of your answered prayers? He is God of the unexpected. Unexpected answers done in unexpected ways. But He is the sovereign, all-powerful Lord of glory, who is in complete control. Perfect in His power and love, the Lord is carrying out His plan and fulfilling His purposes in our world, as unorthodox as it may seem to us.

Join us this Sunday, in person or online, as we explore this prophet’s complaints and God’s answers. It will help answer some of your ‘why’ questions and provide you with a new understanding of God’s power and love. You will get a glimpse into His ways and workings. Then you too can rejoice that the Lord is at work in the world and in your life!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor