God certainly works in our very unexpected circumstances. As we seek the Lord in prayer regarding these situations, He often provides very unexpected answers that reveal He moves in some very unexpected ways. That’s what the book of Habakkuk teaches us about the plans and purposes of God.
Habakkuk cries out to God regarding the evil, violence, and injustice that he saw in his day and questions how long God is going to allow this to go on. God answers his complaint by describing how a foreign nation called Babylon would be used by God to discipline His people. Habbakuk questions that justice of God. The Lord makes it clear that His plan will be fair and well executed according to His perfect nature.
This revelation of God changes Habakkuk. His circumstances have not changed, but he has changed. He has had an encounter with God in a fuller and deeper way. He is now walking by faith instead of sight. He is living by God’s promises and not human reasoning. He is focused on God and His majestic glory.
He enters into a worship experience of God by holding on to what He knows about the Lord. He takes time to ponder and meditate on the awesome deeds of the Lord. This leads to a heartfelt, passionate request that God would send revival in the midst of the chaos. Then he catches a glimpse of God’s splendor, power, and victory which leads him to worship God with an incredible statement of faith. Because when we focus on God and not our circumstances, the result is worship!
Join us in person or online this Sunday and have your hope in God renewed, even if you feel like He is not doing anything; have your trust in God deepened even when you do not understand His ways. Together we will worship God by holding on to what we know about Him and catch a glimpse of His glory that will strengthen us in our journey and allow us to soar above our current circumstances! Come ready to rejoice in the Lord and be joyful in the God of your salvation.
Every Blessing,
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor