I love to sing. I know that sometimes I lose my pitch and my voice goes flat. I didn’t say I was a skilled or accomplished singer. Just that I love to sing nonetheless! I especially like to sing songs that declare the greatness of God and what He has done for me. How about you?
I think a lot of people at our church enjoy it too! PPT is known as a singing and worshipping church that ushers in the presence of God in such a powerful way! That’s why our tagline is Come and experience the presence of God! Christianity is a singing faith!
Hark The Herald Angels Sing is the one of the most loved and sung carols at Christmas time. The words to this song are loaded with powerful truth and theology about Jesus. In tomorrow’s Carols Devotional you will read all about it. Plan to sing this carol to yourself throughout your day to prepare your spirit for worship and the Word this Sunday as we explore the question: What did the angels sing?
The angels announced the birth of Jesus in song. They sang about who Christ was. They declared in worship what He had come to do. This magnificent Christmas carol builds into a crescendo of glorious theology about Jesus! It speaks about what He has done, that only He could do, for us. It’s incredibly good news!
By the time service ends and we gather around the Communion table, we hope you will have learned to ‘Hark’ and ‘Hail’ Jesus as the Saviour and Lord of your life and your Christmas. Harken to His voice as He would speak to you. “Hail the heaven born prince of peace! Hail the Sun of Righteousness!” Give Jesus the Worship He is due. The One who brings us Light, Life, Healing, and Eternal Salvation.
Every blessing,
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor