What is the culture of the Kingdom of God?

We trust you enjoyed celebrating the Canada Day holiday with your family!

We have been preaching and teaching on the topic When Faith and Culture Collide. Today is our monthly day of fasting and prayer at PPT which will also be based on that theme. Let us include asking God to forgive our sins, heal our land, and restore love and unity. May the Lord heal the deep, painful hurt from the injustices against our indigenous families and knit our hearts together in love.

I read a great quote this week that expresses perfectly what we mean about how to address the issue of when our faith and culture collide:

"God's intention was never for the culture of the day to influence people's view of Biblical truth (the gospel). This is a polluted filter that magnifies "personal truth" above "The Truth". Jesus’ instruction was to go into all the world (culture of the day) and share the gospel (Biblical truth) to influence the culture, and its people, to align with God's view, which is not polluted by sin and human weakness. His plan and will for us is good. He is our creator and knows how to repair what is damaged, heal what is hurt and satisfy the seeking heart. Be confident, be unashamed and bold to stand for and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the vaccine for the virus of pride, selfishness and fear that is plaguing our culture."
– Ron Jutze, Director of Operations at The Word For You Today.

Join us this first Sunday of July, as we more deeply explore this in my message, The Culture of the Kingdom. We look forward to seeing so many more of you since we are now able to increase our seating capacity to 25%. Let’s gather together to celebrate the Lord in worship and experience the beauty and wonder of His kingdom in our hearts!

Every blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor