Our Reopening Plans

We are so thankful for the following announcement released from the Ontario Government this past Monday, June 8: all places of worship will be permitted to open with physical distancing in place and attendance limited to no more than 30% capacity as of Friday, June 12. We are also awaiting the Official Order to be posted publicly shortly which will include the guidelines necessary for that re-opening.

While this broad permission to open across the province is helpful, we understand that each congregation and facility is different, and there are many issues surrounding a safe and compliant reopening in our facility specifically. Some churches are opening this weekend, while others are waiting for a week or two. Our staff have been discussing potential plans for opening up our facility. The church board will also be meeting to review, edit and approve any plans moving forward. We also have a unique experience at Peel since we have been dealing this past month with my coronary crisis. I am just back giving full leadership to the ministry team at PPT, so I would ask for your patience and understanding as we work diligently towards a safe and healthy reopening of our church.

So, this Sunday, June 14, we are planning to continue our live online services, streamed from the church building but with a few enhancements. We plan to safely add praise team members and media staff to help us conduct a service that will look and feel more like our services held prior to the COVID-19 crisis.

Let’s celebrate together this wonderful development! You may also wish to gather with others in your home this weekend to watch our online service together, but please limit that to no more than ten people. It’s wonderful to know we are moving forward towards gathering together once again! Please continue to pray for us as a staff and board that God will grant us great wisdom as we work towards the reopening of PPT!

In my message this weekend, we will explore The ‘I Will’ Declarations. Jesus made some powerful statements about His plan to build His church and return to establish His kingdom. Christ made some trustworthy promises that were intended to lead us to experience infinitely more until His return. Join us online, ready to worship and receive in Jesus Name!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor