It was great to welcome so many of you back to our in-person worship service last Sunday. To see so many people of all ages come and worship God together was inspiring! Your presence with us was such an encouragement to us personally and to others! We so enjoyed interacting with you and your family!
This Sunday is Father’s Day and we will be honouring our dads with a special gift whether you attend the service or choose to come to our drive-thru. In my message, The Dedicated Dad, we will explore a very familiar Bible story but with a bit of a twist that will expose some deeper insights about how to be a model dad. We are going to be paying tribute to some dads too! Make plans to do something special with and for your dad this weekend to honour him.
Please note that registration for services fills quickly each week (usually within one day) so be sure to register early if you wish to join us on Sundays. If your plans change and you cannot attend service, we ask that you cancel your registration to allow others on our waiting list to come. We are looking forward to welcoming even more people when we move to stage two in early July!
Every blessing,
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor