An update from Pastor Barry

Dear PPT Church Family,

How our world has changed in such a short time. I’m sure everyone is concerned about the Coronavirus and its effects on our lives, families, friends, and church. So we wanted to write you and explain what we are doing over these next few weeks.

First, we are adapting with the news. Things have changed drastically over the last couple of weeks. We’ll continue to pay attention to new developments and directives from the government, health officials and district officials and respond accordingly. So, currently the church office is closed and all of our staff are working from home.

Throughout history, Christianity has grown the most when the times were darkest. Our opportunity is this: people are social beings. We like getting together. For the next few weeks, no one will have major events to attend. As long as we are safe and healthy, these next few weeks might be a good time to pray, dig deeper into the Word of God, and deepen friendships with others through phone calls and various digital platforms.

Jesus will never leave us nor forsake us. Some of us may suffer a bit during these next few weeks, but we’ll never be without the awareness, love, and care of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Have faith and choose hope. The Lord wants to redeem this crisis and use it for good!


We hope the Sunday livestream services the past two weeks and Pastor’s Chats have been helpful and a blessing to you.

This weekend, because the government has mandated a stay at home directive, we will be livestreaming our service, but I will be preaching from home! You don’t want to miss it!

Join the service on Sunday at You can also listen to the broadcast on our Conference Line. Just dial 647-977-2648 and enter code: 827-220-552#

  • We will continue to have our Prayer Conference Call every day at 8:00 pm – 8:30 pm, so we can pray and support one another.

  • We invite you to our Pastor’s Chat livestream on Sundays Wednesdays at 8:00 pm – 8:30 pm, so we can communicate and encourage you in this journey.

  • We will be using Zoom (video conferencing) for our small groups, children, youth and young adult ministries.

  • Let’s continue to support the work of the kingdom of God through our giving.
    Please note the various ways you can give.

    • Give online at

    • Text any dollar amount to 84321

    • Mail any cheques to:

      Peel Pentecostal Tabernacle
      Attn: Accounting
      2005 Countryside Drive
      Brampton, ON  L6R 0N6

    • For assistance with giving, call 905-792-9193 and press 0 to leave a voicemail in the general mailbox.

  • Visit our website for the latest news and updates from PPT.

We will continue to stay flexible. We will pray. We will continue to trust God in this moment. Let’s help each other, and care for our family and neighbors and those more isolated than others. 

Some trust in chariots, others in horses, but we want to continue to trust in the name of the Lord our God. Let’s rise above this situation, in faith!

We love you and are praying for you!

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor