Don’t you just love new things? Everyone enjoys buying new stuff. Whether it be clothing, jewelry, home furnishings, vehicles or traveling on vacation to new locations.
How about new inventions? Things that have never existed before, but have been made and introduced to society, like smartphones.
How about things that have been recently discovered for the first time? Recently, scientists have discovered an antibody that inhibits the new Coronavirus in a patient who had SARS 17 years ago.
We love these ideas of new. But there is another dimension to new that we might not be so fond of. Like new experiences that can prove to be challenging and even traumatic. Three weeks ago today, I had a new experience and not one I was looking for or anticipating in any way. Hospitalized for days, experiencing two surgeries and multiple procedures all for the first time in my life, in the midst of this COVID environment. Not so pleasant experiences, but nonetheless, new.
We never know what a given day, week or even a year holds. No one could have imagined that we would be facing this new COVID crisis as we launched into this new year. We are experiencing many new changes in our lives right now. No one knows how long this crisis will last. Most people feel that our lifestyles will look somewhat different moving forward. Truly no one knows what our future will be like but we know who holds tomorrow.
As we observe the devastating impact of the Coronavirus around the world, we see the daily effect it has on our personal lives. The question may be asked, What will things be like in the future and will there be better days?
Tune in this Sunday, as Pastor Charles shares the encouragement of God’s Word in his message, Making All Things New. We have an incredible future!
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor