As we are in the ninth week of this current crisis, we are praying and trust you are keeping well. Some folks are really struggling and understandably so. The coronavirus emergency order has been extended another two weeks (until May 19) and this journey is starting to weigh on us all. Though we must continue to abide by the order and maintain physical distancing, we want to strongly encourage you not to socially distance from one another. One of the enemy’s chief weapons is to try and get us to isolate socially from one another, which is very unhealthy. If you were unable to join us last night for our Pastor Chat on our PPT YouTube Channel, check out the recording entitled Winning The Battle In Times Of Isolation. There is great truth there that we need to get a hold of and practice in our lives to win the victory in this challenging season of life.
We as a staff are praying much for you and endeavouring to keep connected with you as best we can. However, with a large congregation, we want to encourage you to care for one another by calling people within your circle of influence, check in with how they are doing and pray with them. These are definitely challenging times and they’re bringing changes to the way we experience and do ministry together. But the Lord is with us in this moment and we need to seize this moment for the glory of God.
In the midst of this pandemic crisis, we are hearing incredible stories of miracles of God’s provision. We serve a God of miracles. Jesus performed some thirty-seven recorded miracles in the Bible and one of most familiar was the Feeding of the Five Thousand. In this weekend’s message, we will expound on this story that reveals the power, authority and heart of Jesus for these folks to experience infinitely more in their lives. Be sure to tune into our online service and invite others to join you.
This miracle reveals the truth that Jesus already knows how great the needs are in our lives. He holds the answer to every impossible situation that we so often are scrambling around to figure out what we can do to make it happen. We get so focused on the magnitude of the need that we often lose sight of the ‘Great I am’ who can meet the need. In meeting needs, Jesus often starts with what we already have. And if we will give what we have, Jesus has the capacity to supernaturally multiply and not only supply our need but the needs of others. Jesus shows us that when we give all that we have to Him, we will always walk away with infinitely more. Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.” (Matthew 19:26 NLT). Let’s continue to stand strong in the Lord and in our faith and confidence in Him and His Word!
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor