The key to winning the day.

It seems that every day we wake up, we are facing new challenges in life and especially to our faith. It can feel a bit overwhelming and discouraging at times. How do we overcome this and continue to press forward? We are not alone in that struggle and in our online service this Sunday we will learn How To Win The Day.

We hope you will bring your mom to our Mother’s Day Drive-Thru this Sunday afternoon. We would love to spend a few moments with you and bless mom with a gift. We encourage you to honour your mom this weekend!

Tonight, we will be praying for a healing that only God can give. Do you have a physical ailment that you know only God can heal? Are you dealing with brokenness in soul (your mind, emotions, or will) that you know only God heal? Do you know of those who need a spiritual healing in their relationship with God? Then plan to join us as we gather in faith believing for people to receive their healing. We will be especially interceding for Pastor Kim, who will undergo surgery to remove a brain tumour one week from today. Join us tonight for our Upper Room Prayer Gathering as we come together in the power of agreement in prayer! We believe breakthrough is coming!

Every blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor