Hello PPT family and friends,
As you all probably know, Peel Region is under the highest COVID-19 alert level short of a lockdown as Ontario shifts to a tiered and colour-coded system for managing pandemic measures.
A week ago the Medical Officer of Health for Peel added some additional restrictions to our region and has asked churches to voluntarily cooperate by holding our services virtually online or by restricting ourselves to 30% capacity to a maximum of 50 people.
Current reports indicate that our region’s hospitals are being overwhelmed and frontline health care workers face a daunting task.
Scripture tell us two major commands that are to guide our lives:
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, your mind and strength and love your neighbour as your yourself.
So, in consultation with our church board, staff and other spiritual leaders in our fellowship, we feel the best way to love our neighbours and to provide a positive Christian witness to our community is to voluntarily restrict ourselves and move our Sunday Services online only for the time being. We have done this before very successfully and by God’s grace, we can do it again!
We will watch closely what unfolds in our region, monitoring the progress and directives from Peel’s Medical Officer of Health and respond accordingly in the days ahead. So watch for further notices.
As I mentioned last Sunday after service, I am asking our church family to engage even more fervently in prayer and together let’s believe for a breakthrough in this pandemic. We look forward to your presence with us this Sunday for our online service at 10:30 am.
My message about the Day of the Lord refers to when the Lord Jesus comes to rapture His people and God pours out His wrath on the ungodly. It will be a time when the Lord will begin to pour out His judgments during seven years called the Great Tribulation. Unfortunately, many people will not be prepared. Will you be prepared? Find out how to be this Sunday in my message, Preparing for the Day of the Lord. We look forward to seeing you online!
Every blessing,
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor