Who is with you?

There is no mistaking the fact that so far 2020 has been one of the most tumultuous years in our lives. The multitude of shifts and changes that we have experienced in our daily lives has been enormous. What the future holds seems to be so uncertain too. It begs the question, who is with you to help provide a solid foundation for your life? Who is helping to lead, guide and protect you as we move forward into an unknown future?

There are seven feasts that the Lord gave to the nation of Israel as a way for them to commemorate His love story with them, as well as provide a blueprint of His plan of salvation and redemption for all mankind.

Today marks the beginning of another feast and week of Jewish celebrations, known as the Feast of Tabernacles (Oct 2-9). The Feast of Tabernacles is called Sukkot. Sukkot means “shelters”, “booths”, or “tabernacles”. So this feast picks up on the redemptive story, as God tabernacled with the children of Israel as they made their way through the desert from Egypt to the Promised Land. It commemorates God’s guiding and protecting presence with His people as He led them with a cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night.

In this final message of our series, Time To Return: Who is with you?, we will discover the important significance of this one feast in our lives today and in the future. Interestingly this is the one and only feast mentioned in Scripture that will be celebrated by all nations in the days to come.

If we will commit our lives to following Christ, we have the promise of His presence with us, to guide and protect us throughout our lives and through all the challenges life brings. And the ultimate reality is God will literally dwell with us and we will dwell with Him, in the not so distant future! What a cause for rejoicing!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor