It’s September, the Labour Day holiday weekend is here and the weather already feels a bit like Fall! This marks the unofficial end to summer and the start of a new school year next week. The Labour Day holiday was instituted as a day of rest to celebrate the accomplishments of unions and labour movement. Labouring is always about building something whether it’s our jobs, our homes, our families, etc. It’s amazing to look across our city and see so much building equipment and projects underway.
For every house has a builder, but the one who built everything is God. (Hebrews 3:4, NLT)
God is a builder too. He is building something of eternal value and worth. He lays the foundation by calling people to a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. Then He uses various tools as He works to build us up and equip us for our task. It is all part of His master plan of building people lives, His church and ultimately the greater kingdom of God. And God is still very much in the building process!
This holiday weekend, we invite you to worship God Almighty with us and be challenged and encouraged by the message, God The Builder. As you discover your role in His master building plan you will also find your greatest sense of satisfaction and fulfillment in life.
Take a moment right now to register and join us in person. We look for to your presence with us in person or online this holiday weekend!
Every Blessing,
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor