What do you think about caves? For some people exploring caves is an exciting adventure that they thoroughly enjoy. For others, not so much. They find them too cold, dark and claustrophobic for their liking. Several years ago, twelve members of junior football team led by their assistant coach embarked on the exciting experience of cave exploration in Thailand after a football practice. Shortly afterwards, heavy rains partially flooded the cave, blocking their way out. Thus began an widely publicized cave rescue that we watched for days until they were all rescued by an international team, though not without incident.
We can find ourselves living in ‘spiritual caves’ in this journey in life. Caves of loss, loneliness, depression and isolation in our lives. Do you feel like you’re living in a cave today? The year 2020 has felt like a bit of a cave for so many of us.
The future King David lived in one for a season, and it wound up being the place where God did a great work of preparation in his life. This Sunday we will explore God’s purposes for allowing us to endure a season of cave-dwelling. We will discover what God builds in us while we are in the cave. But just as importantly, we need to hear the clear call to emerge from our cave experience to live out God’s purposes in our world.
We will be specifically praying in our service for our students, teachers and school administrators as they return to a new school experience this year. Be encouraged that God offers a ‘present grace’ to face the challenges that each season of life brings, including living and emerging from spiritual caves.
Every Blessing,
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor