Day 16 – I Will Purify Myself For The Lord

Read: Joshua 3:5, Psalm 12:6, Titus 2:11-14


We have heard the following scripture quoted many times “You are not your own.” (1 Cor. 6:19) What does that phrase mean for us during these days of fasting and prayer? Knowing that we are not our own, how can we practically live our lives to please the One who gave everything to buy us back from a life of destruction?

In Joshua 3:5, Joshua told the people to “Purify themselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do great wonders among you.” The word sanctify as some versions use, comes from the Hebrew word Qabash meaning to be, to make, pronounce, or observe clean. The word purify as other versions use, means to make pure by removing impurities, being free from guilt or sin and being free from corrupting elements.

Our focus for today is purifying ourselves for the Lord. The word of the Lord tells us that we are not our own. We have been bought with a very expensive price – the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Therefore, in response to the great love of God, and the wonderful salvation provided by that great love, let us take the time to purify ourselves from all impurities.

Like the Children of Israel, in Joshua chapter 3, the Lord wants us to boldly go where we have never gone before. He wants us to move into all that He has for us with confidence and boldness. However, it hard to move with confidence and boldness being weighed down by various sins. Picture a marathon runner trying to run a race wearing scuba gear, not only would it look ridiculous! It would totally slow the person down and hinder his/her race! Likewise, the Lord is calling each of us to lay aside, to strip off all those things that hinder us from taking new ground.

God wants to do great things among His people. Therefore, purification is a must in order for Him to do all that He wants to do in us, and take us to places we have never been before. Psalms 12:6 tells us that “God’s promises are silver refined in the fire 7 times over.” That means when God promises something, you can take that to the bank! There is no such thing as non-sufficient funds from God’s promissory notes. Therefore, we can trust God to do His part. His part is His presence with us.

The Ark in Joshua 3 represented the presence of God with the Children of Israel. God’s very presence was with them. He did not fail to lead them into the wonders that He had for them and demonstrated to them. God has great wonders that He wants to lead us into. Our part is to purify ourselves, to turn from evil and live a life devoted to Him because of all that He has done for us.

We are not our own. He gave His life to free us from every sin, to make us His own people – people who are totally committed to living right in order to please Him.

Let this day be a day where we commit to lay aside every weight that keeps us back, that we go to Him and trust His promises, and believe and walk with Him into all the new ground that He has for us.

Be Blessed,

Pastor Wayne Russell

Prayer Points

  • Thank God that you are alive to partake in this year’s fasting program.

  • 1 John 1:9 - Confess any known and unknown sins.

  • Bring sincere repentance unto the Lord regarding any hidden sin that may hinder the move of God during and after this 21-day prayer and fasting

  • Decree that no plan of the enemy shall hinder you in this 21-day fasting program.

  • Take spiritual authority over the physical and spiritual in your neighbourhood.

  • Lord, lead me to where I have never been before with You (mention the areas) in Jesus’ name.

  • Psalm 51:10 – Father, create in me a clean heart for Your service

  • Joshua 3:5 – Lord, with the blood of Christ cleanse me and make my path straight.

  • Psalm 12:6 – Jehovah purify me by Your word.

  • Lord, purify my household and PPT by Your Word.

  • Heb 12:1 – In Jesus’ name I will lay aside every weight (mention the areas) and allow You to take me to where I have never been before with You. (mention the areas)

  • Titus 2:12 – Father, help me to turn away from any form of godless living and sinful pleasures in Jesus’ name.

  • Lord of Hosts, uproot any form of godless living from PPT.

  • Titus 2:12 - El-Elyon in 2019, I want to live in wisdom, righteousness and devotion unto You.

  • Titus 2:12 - Jehovah, cause my household to live in wisdom, righteousness and devotion unto You.

  • Titus 2:12 – Lord, I declare that in 2019, PPT will live in wisdom, righteousness and devotion unto You.

  • Yahweh Maccaddeshem sanctify PPT by Your word.

  • Jehovah, release PPT’s Youth Pastor to us in Jesus’ name.

Join the Prayer Conference Call at 8:00 pm tonight!
Dial: 647-977-2648
Code: 827-220-552#

Note: Tomorrow's Prayer Conference Call will be held at 6:00 am.