Day of Fasting & Prayer - August


Who wants to stand out? Most people prefer to blend in and fit in to the ways of the world around them; to accept all the local customs and practices and be accepted by others. Nobody wants to appear different.

However, as people of God we love and worship Jehovah God. We are called by Him to live by different standards of conduct based upon God’s character, truth and teachings as revealed in the Word of God. This fact will automatically make us stand out in because it’s so counter-cultural to the world we live in. A world dominated by worldly systems, the flesh (our own inherent human nature) and the Devil. (1John 2:16)

Daniel was a man with an uncompromising spirit. He was taken away from His homeland of Judah to live in the foreign country of Babylon. Ruled by ungodly customs and practices, Daniel was determined not to defile himself by eating the King’s food and he refused to bow down to the image of the king. He purposed in his heart to live a life devoted to God and to God’s principles. He chose not to give up or give in to the pressure to conform to the culture of his day. With great wisdom, He held fast to his faith in God. God gave Daniel and his friends an unusual aptitude of understanding every aspect of literature and wisdom. So much so, that King Nebuchadnezzar found them ten times more capable that others. Of course, this bred jealousy and plans were plotted to capture Daniel in regards to his devotion to Almighty God. His friends faced the fiery furnace because of their allegiance to God. Their uncompromising spirit led to spectacular opportunities for God to display His power on their behalf. God delivered them all with a mighty hand. They found, in those moments of trial and testing for their faith, God was literally present with them! Like Daniel and his friends, we can declare about the Lord: “He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him.” (Psalm 91:2)

God’s desire for our children, youth and young adults as they head back to school this fall, is that they would be like Daniel. They would not be ashamed of their devotion to God; they would speak up for what is right; they would not blend into society but rather live a moral, upright, Christ-honouring life, looking for opportunities to share their faith with others.

Our 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer is dedicated to this theme. That our children would choose to follow and serve God. That God would bless our kids so that they too would prosper and be fruitful in their lives and their studies. As they live for God, honouring Him and His Word, they would be uncompromising in regards to the truth. That they would stand out as shining lights in the darkness. That as they engage others in their circle of influence, God would use them to make Himself known to those who so desperately need to be liberated by the love and truth of God! Lord, let them stand out!

Pastor Barry Risto

Prayer Points

Read: Daniel 1:1-21; Numbers 17:1-8; Psalm 91:1-7; Job 1:4-5

  • Lord, I thank you for allowing me to participate in today’s fasting program.

  • Confess any known and unknown sins.

  • Father, in Jesus’ name remove any hindrances and obstacles to my prayers today.

  • Job 1:5 – Like Job, I am standing in the gap for my children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren for the 2019/2020 academic year.

  • Job 1:5 – Father, I ask for forgiveness for the sins of my children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren. (mention them by name)

  • Dan 1:8 – Elohim, I pray that our students (children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren) will not be afraid to defend their faith at all cost this academic year. (mention them by name)

  • Dan 1:8 – Jesus, help our students (children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren) not to conform to the secular school environment this academic year. (mention them by name)

  • Dan 1:9 – Lord, give our students favour among their teachers and peers as they stand up for Christ this academic year.

  • Daniel 1:14 – God Almighty, let favour find our students this academic year in Jesus’ name.

  • Numb 17:8 – Jesus, let our students (children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren) standout spiritually, academically and socially in school this academic year.

  • Numb 17:5 - Lord, leave Your mark on our students (children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren)this academic year. (mention them by name)

  • Psalm 91:3 – Lord, let our students (children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren) stand this academic year by rescuing them from every trap of the enemy in Jesus’ name.

  • Psalm 91:3 - Lord, protect our students (children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren) from any deadly physical diseases.

  • Psalm 91:4 –Jehovah Nissi, provide divine protection for our students. (children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren)

  • Psalm 91:7 – Lord, keep the both the spiritual and physical foes of our students(children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren) away.

  • Pray for the sick among us for total and complete divine healing. (mention them by name)

  • Unleash Your protection and providence upon the persecuted church globally in Jesus’ name.

Join the Prayer Conference Call at 5:30 am on Wednesday morning.
Dial: 647-977-2648
Code: 827-220-552#

Followed by our Worship & Prayer Service at 7:00 pm at PPT.