Day 12 – Opening Your Eyes to the Presence of God
Welcome to Day Twelve! Today’s topic – the Presence of God is what this fast is all about and I truly believe that if you have been fasting this past 11 days that you are experiencing His presence and sensing a call to what God would have you do next. Press in and stay the course, my friend. This next nine days will go by in a flash! Today we’re focusing on the Lord opening our eyes to the presence of Jesus. There’s an amazing verse in Luke 2 that talks about how Jesus was lost and his parents didn’t even know it. They sought for Him and, after a few days, they found Him in the temple. It’s amazing to me that those who were closest to Jesus lost His personal presence. And that’s what fasting is really all about. Fasting is saying, “Lord, I feel distant. I know I’m saved. I know You love me and I know that I love You, but I feel like I’m losing Your presence in my life. I want Your presence in an intimate way, near me again.” The Bible said His parents found Him in the temple. I’m praying that today, as you fast and you pray, God will open your eyes, and you’ll find the personal presence of Jesus. In the midst of all the distraction, in the midst of the busyness of life, that as you’re fasting, it’s like a spiritual string tied on your finger to remind you: “I need You, Jesus. I need Your presence in a new year. I want Your Presence, not just in my church, but in my home. I want it in my family. I want Your presence in my life and I want You to live in me, and perfect in me Your image and Your will.” Today, may the Lord open your eyes to the presence of Jesus; His healing presence, His delivering presence, His encouraging presence that drives fear away. Let His presence fill you with courage and boldness, and let fear melt off of you today.
Seeing and Experiencing the Presence of God
What an amazing thought that the God of the universe thinks about me. And He thinks about you…a lot. So many people see their relationship with God as all one way – praying to God, worshiping God, and learning from His Word. But there is a whole other dimension when you consider that God wants to speak to you about you. Like any other relationship, it’s a two-way communication.
If there is anything I have learned about my relationship with the Lord it’s that He desires to speak to me, reveal things to me, and love me. I don’t hear audible voices so it’s not anything like that, but I will tell you this, I know when He’s spoken to me, and so will you. And I know when I have been in His Presence and there isn’t anything that compares.
Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray today for the tens of thousands of people that are joining us on this fast. May the presence of Jesus be real in their life. May they find You. May the presence of God be found; the tangible anointing of God in our lives. In Jesus’ name I pray.
Prayer Points
Scriptures: Psalms 139:7-10, Psalms 139:16-17, Psalms 23, Luke 2, Jeremiah 29:11-14
Lord, we thank you for the privilege of a relationship with you, where we worship, pray and read your Word, hearing from you. We thank you that you love us and want to speak and reveal things to us too.
Lord, its Your presence that we seek during this fast. We choose to press you’re your presence that you might lead us and guides us into your plan for our lives, family and church.
Psalm 139:7-9 - Lord, we thank you that we can never escape your omnipresence, no matter how into the heavens we go or how low, even to the grave we go, you are there.
Psalm 139:10 – Lord, may Your hand guides me and your strength supports me, my family and church this year.
Psalm 139:16 – Lord, thank you that you saw me before I was born and that every moment and day of life has been laid out and recorded. That your thoughts towards me are precious and innumerable.
Psalm 23:1 – Lord, I thank you that you are my Shepherd. Lead me and guide me, my family, and my church in this new year.
Psalm 23;2-2 – Lord, renew my strength, guide me along right paths this year.
Psalm 23:4 – Lord, thank you that you have walked with me and my family through dark valleys and you will continue to do so in the days that lie ahead.
Psalm 23:6 – Lord, let Your goodness and unfailing love pursue me, my family, my church this year.
Luke 2:41-47 – Lord, let me never lose your presence in my life, but let me continually seek for you with all my heart, for only your presence can satisfy my heart.
Jeremiah 29:11 – Lord, reveal to me the good plans you have for me, my family, our church during this fast and in the year ahead.
Jeremiah 29:13 – Lord, thank you for the promise that if I wholeheartedly seek You, I will find You this year.
Group prayer at 8:00 pm tonight.
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