Day 13 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer

Day 13 – The Incense of Prayer

As we approach the end of week 2, hopefully you have hit your stride and you have experienced moments of peace or, better yet, revelation. Today, we’re talking to you about the “Incense of Prayer.” The Bible said in Psalm 141:2 that our prayers rise before God as incense. In Jerusalem there is a very special place of prayer called the Wailing Wall. If you go to the Wailing Wall anytime – 24 hours a day – there’s prayer going up…prayer going up like incense. When we pray and when we fast we believe that we can affect change for the good. There’s something about praying that God would release His help, His love, His mercy and His grace on our families, our lives, on our nation, and on the nation of Israel.

Blind Spots

I want to encourage you today to send your prayers up all day long. We’re believing for God to move mightily in your life as you’re fasting, as you’re praying, and as this ministry is fasting and praying. We do it every year at the beginning of the year. I’m also seeking the Lord through fasting and praying just like you. I praise the Lord for those of you who are joining us. Never forget – fasting does two things to your prayers. It builds your faith and increases your fervency. The two things that God said you have to have to get prayers answered is faith and fervency. And when we fast it gives faith and gives fervency to our prayers. The effectual fervent prayers of righteous men and women avail much.

Are there places in your life where your vision is obstructed? If yes, stop and pray right now and yield those places to the Lord. If you can’t think of any, then ask the Lord to reveal places where you aren’t seeing the full picture. Sometimes it’s a bias or something you have just always believed was true. Maybe it’s a blind spot you have in a relationship or in the way you see another person…maybe even a person who is very close to you. If you will ask the Lord to reveal these areas of your thinking or belief system…He will. He may not reveal it immediately but I believe if you will ask Him, He will show you before this 21-day fast is over.


The two things that God said you must have to have your prayers answered are faith and fervency. When we fast and we pray it gives faith and gives fervency to our prayers. The effectual fervent prayers of righteous men and women avail much. So God, I pray today for those who are fasting and praying by the millions around the world. I thank You, Lord, for those who have made a decision to say, “God, open my eyes to the power of prayer, of burning incense.” If it’s worth worrying about, it’s worth praying about. God says, “I hear your prayers from this holy place.” And God, I just pray today for every person who needs Your help and needs Your strength, Your love, Your mercy and Your grace. Touch our families, touch our lives. Touch each ministry fasting with us as well. Oh God, keep Your hand upon us and hear our cry and hear our prayer. We pray today for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray today for the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. We pray Your hand mightily upon them with protection and favor and help. And Lord, I pray for our country. I pray for our elections. I pray for this year that we would have leaders who stand with Israel – who will stand and remember Jerusalem and remember our connection to our faith. It all goes back to Jerusalem where Jesus Christ bled and died, and He rose from the dead. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus’ name we pray.

Prayer Points

Scriptures: 2 Kings 6:15-20, Psalms 19:12-14, Psalms 139:23-24, 1 Corinthians 2:6-16, 1 John 1:5-10, Psalms 141:2

  • Lord, you are the discerner and revealer of our sins and mistakes; we pray that you forgive us of our hidden faults Psalms 19:12

  • Lord, this is my personal prayer to you today: Search me and know my heart, test me and know my thoughts- see if there is any offensive way in me. Psalms 139:23-24

  • Lord, fill us with your Spirit, the searcher of all things; so that we can understand what God has freely given us and help us accept the things that comes from God 1 Corinthians 6:10-15

  • Lord, we pray today, confessing our sins; forgive and purify us from all unrighteousness; because we want to walk in the light as you are the Light and we want to have fellowship with one another 1 John 1:6-8

  • The two things God requires to have our prayers answered: Faith and Fervency; as we fast and pray let us ask God to give Faith and Fervency to our prayers (Devotional)

  • Lord, may our Prayers rise before you like a burning incense - Let us keep the prayers going; we ask the Lord to open our eyes to the power of prayer. Let’s cry out for every need- for strength, for our families, our church, our children, unsaved family members, financial blessings, better mental health, breakthrough for our businesses and our Nation, Psalms 141:2

  • Three times Elisha prayed about vision, one, to remove the obstruction and the others, to open their eyes- we all have blind spots- they come in many forms and ways- Let`s ask God to show us our blind spots- to remove the obstructions from our vision so that we can see the big picture. 2 Kings 6:15-20

Group prayer at 8:00 pm tonight.

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