Day 16 – Godly Contentment
I pray that you are experiencing the Lord in amazing ways. You have His attention so press in. Ask your questions and allow Him to reveal His plans for you. Write everything down that He shows you so you have a reminder when this season of fasting is over. Press in, friend. Worship Him and tell Him you love Him and allow Him to fill your room, car or wherever you are with His presence.
Contentment is Directly Connected to Gratitude
The dictionary definition of the word “contentment” is “a state of happiness and satisfaction.” Let me ask you a question: Are you happy? I understand hunger, drive, goals and dreams… but putting all those aside for just a moment, are you happy? When happiness and contentment are always something out in the future that occurs after we have arrived or after some great achievement, we miss God all together.
When you are walking through the dark hallway of life’s pressures and trials, God can open your eyes to discover untapped potential, beauty, truth, and life. True contentment can only be experienced when our eyes are open to all God has done for us and we are rooted in gratitude and our eyes can see what is so obvious to everyone else. If all you had was your salvation you would have enough to be thankful for every day. If your family is saved as well you are blessed beyond measure in any situation… even death.
Lord, I thank You for all that You’ve done for me. I love You and I praise You for the blessings You’ve given me. I ask You, God, to keep my contentment and happiness always focused on You. I don’t want my happiness and contentment to be filled by something or someone else. Remind me to not fill that with other things of this world. I know only You, God, can fully bring me love and happiness, joy and contentment. Don’t let the things of this world pull me away from that truth.
Prayer Points
Scriptures: Philippians 4:12-13, Psalms 34, Matt. 6:25-34, Philippians 4, 1 Timothy 6:6-7
Pray that we would look and see all the blessings that we have (even in these trying times) and be thankful – count our blessings.
Pray and thank God for salvation. This is enough for us to be filled with thankfulness for, even if He did nothing else for us.
Philippians 4:12-13 – Pray that we will be able to live a life of contentment in every situation – why? We “Can” do the impossible through the strength of the Lord.
Psalm 34:1 – Pray that we would praise the Lord at all times, even in difficult situations.
Psalm 34: 4 – So many worry or let fear get the best of them – As we pray, pray, and pray again, the Lord promises to free us from our fears.
Psalm 34:4 – Cry out to the Lord in our suffering. He will hear us and set us free from fears.
Psalm 34:5, Phil. 4:4 – Pray that we would be radiant with the Joy of the Lord – even during these times.
Psalm 34:17-19 – PPT the Lord 1. Hears us, 2. He rescues us, 3. He is close to us, 4. He protects us. Pray that we will live a life of contentment and trust, knowing that our God has everything under control.
Matthew 6:25-34 – PPT let us not worry but let us worship. Do not worry about our everyday life. (what we will eat or drink, our health, where we will live or how we will pay our bills) Our Jehovah Jireh is our provider. Pray that we will not worry, but trust Him to take care of us.
Philippians 4:8-9 – Pray that we would have the right mind as we navigate these times. So many of us are dealing with mental health challenges today. Pray that our minds will be properly aligned as we think upon the things that are: True, honourable, right, pure, lovely and admirable.
Pray that our contentment and our happiness will be focused on the things of the Lord and not the things of this world.
Pray blessings upon our church (Numbers 6:24-26) and the household of faith – that we would know true contentment in the Lord.
God bless as we continue to fast and pray.
Group prayer at 8:00 pm tonight.
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