Day 17 – We Win! Over and Over.
Welcome to Day Seventeen of the 21-day Fast! By now, depending on how closely you stuck to the fast, you should actually feel bursts of energy and incredible mental clarity. It is amazing what the brain can do when the body rids itself of toxins and the digestive system has been given rest. You have probably lost weight which has other positive health benefits. But don’t think for a second that you are above temptation. Stay connected to others, especially now when you are so close. We’re believing for God to do great and mighty things in your life today. I want to encourage you to ask God for any and everything that your heart is full of.
Knowing the battle has already been won should affect how you see the problems and challenges you face.
It always amazes me to see people get so worked up about the evil that exists in the world. Don’t get me wrong, the Bible says that we are to hate evil…and I do, but not as one who lives in fear that evil might win. The victory for all time was won at Calvary and the deal was sealed with the empty tomb. The end result has never been in doubt in God’s eyes. That’s a perspective far too many overlook. If you will allow the Lord to open your eyes to what’s true about the enemy Satan you will see a desperate being who knows his time is short and his final end is near.
Knowing you are in a fight where the outcome has already been decided should change the way you carry yourself when difficulties arise and when discouragement comes knocking at your door. You carry an extraordinary mantle of victory and the banner of the King’s child into every situation you encounter. If we ever really understood who we are and knew that we would always win we would carry ourselves very differently in every situation. Victory doesn’t always look like victory in a particular moment but every war has its battles and one battle does not win the war. We win when setbacks do not leave us feeling at a loss. We win when we truly model with our countenance that we are victorious because the battle has already been won. We need to act like we really believe that because we did – He did.
Lord, in the final few days of this fast, we submit everything to You, knowing we are victorious already because the battle has been won! We humbly ask for Your will in all we do with the time we have here on earth. You are sovereign, God, and we trust You, even when we don’t understand everything. We completely surrender to You. Take out of us the will to try to control and play God, because You are God and we are not. And so, Lord, we submit all things to You in prayer and fasting today. And I know Your will is going to be done and Your will is always right. So, God, we bless You. In Jesus’ name we commit and submit all things into Your hand. Amen and Amen.
Prayer Points
Scriptures: John 16:33, Joshua 1, John 16:25-33, Romans 8:12-39
John 16:33 – Lord, as we enter this day of fasting and prayer, I thank you that you have promised us your peace in the midst of the many trials and sorrows of this life.
John 16:33 – Lord, I take heart today and encourage myself in the Lord and the truth that you have overcome this world.
Joshua 1:5 – Lord, thank you for the promise that no one will be able to stand against us or your plans for our lives. We claim the promise that you will fail or abandon us.
Joshua 1:6 – Lord, as I respond to your call to be strong and courageous, please pour into my life the power of your Holy Spirit.
Joshua 1:6-8 – Lord, help me to be careful to study, meditate and obey your Word this year and not deviate from your instructions. Thank you for your promise to prosper and make me successful, if I do.
Joshua 1:9 – Thank you Lord, that you are with me wherever I go and you lead me.
Romans 8:12 – Father, I declare that I have no obligation to do what my sinful nature urges me to do, but rather I chose through the power of the Holy Spirit to put to death the deeds of my sinful nature.
Romans 8:15-16 – Abba Father, I celebrate the truth that that I am adopted into your family, because I have received Christ as my Saviour and the Holy Spirit lives in me.
Romans 8:17 – Father, thank you that since I am your child, I am an heir with Jesus Christ and His glory.
Romans 8:17-18 – Jesus, if we share in your glory, so must we share in your sufferings. Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory that will be revealed in us later.
Romans 8:23-25 – Lord, we groan in our spirits to be free from our bodies of sin and suffering and wait with eager hope, patience and confidence for when you will give us our full rights as your adopted children.
Pastor's Chat at 8:00 pm tonight.
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